Go you a thousand they've jugged him and them two Arkansas killers.
Yes, sir, to stay jugged till they leave us, at Helena.
In that case, if you should stumble upon one, and bring it to my house, I'll have it jugged for myself.
By her deft manipulation, stewed rabbit becomes as jugged hare, so that it would be difficult to tell the difference; while she has at her fingers' ends many other feats of the cuisine that give him gratification.
Robert of Middelton was ateynt, and jugged to be drawe an hanged and beheded at London, and his hede sett up at Neugate; and hise quarters were sent to iiij principale citees of Engelond.
Also the lord Cobham was jugged to perpetuel prison: and forasmoche as the erle of Derby thanne mad duke of Hereford was of counseill and assent of the deth of lordes and knyghtes don to dethe in the xj yere of the kyng, he was also exiled.
Try to get hold of something new; give me a jugged hare, or a pheasant, or something of that kind.
I considered Florence Wood and realized that she was at least old enough so that I wouldn't be jugged for cradle-robbing so long as I had a parental acceptance.
But, as I said, Townsend could have saved himself all this trouble if he had jugged Jurgens the time the fellow was found going through his desk.
Twas him that hurted Bess's legs, an' he gotjugged for it.
Imagine the guffaws when a man told his companions that he had been eating red currant jelly with jugged hare!
Anchovies in oil, baked beans, and jugged hare made a glorious mixture such as we have not dreamed of since our school-days.
I know all that, Seth; but I don't believe I'll get jugged if Sam Barney keeps quiet.
It's not you who'd have been jugged if they'd caught me on the barge.
It is my opinion that they only require to be jugged to cram themselves.
That is true; it's the same way with jugged hare--first catch your hare.
Another dainty of home invention is Jugged Duck with Oysters.
Wild duck can be jugged in the same way, but without the addition of the bivalves; and a mixture of port wine and Worcester sauce should be poured in, with a squeeze of lemon juice and cayenne, just before serving.
By dint of almost superhuman exertions I did just contrive to get down in time for dinner, though my unfortunate "jugged hair," which was anything but dry, must have presented rather a singular appearance.
Jugged hare, from remains of roast ditto; boiled knuckle of veal and rice; boiled bacon cheek.
Jugged hare, from remains of roast ditto; boiled knuckle of veal and rice; boiled bacon-cheek.
The principal of these are soup, gravies, jugged hare, beef tea; and this mode of cooking may be advantageously adopted with a ham, which has previously been covered with a common crust of flour and water.
A rock with a jug on it would be a jugged rock, wouldn't it--eh?
Phoebe was abusing him roundly as she juggedthe hare for supper, and I felt kindly to her for it.
There was a sucking pig roasted with juniper wood and rosemary branches, and a jugged hare, and a pullet, and some clotted cream and a raspberry tart.
And if you mention my name, you'll merely get jugged for attempted blackmail.
But Thorne's juggedthem all up the range," persisted Bob.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "jugged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.