The Joven slid to the ground, and commenced talking to the horse in Spanish, as he stroked his head.
As the terrified animal struggled to his feet, the Joven slipped nimbly on to the recado.
Benson's novels, the eighteen-year-old Jovenwas afflicted with a perpetual voracious hunger.
Before tightening the lassoes the men threw a recado, or soft leather saddle on him, the Joven tugging at the string-girths until the unfortunate grass-fed animal looked like a wasp.
The Joven slipped off with the dexterity of an acrobat, and dancing about on his toes, chose his moment, and was again on the horse's back as he rose.
I wish to have the |Quiero el Viaje del Travels of young |joven Anacarsis.
Estaba viviendo el joven en la posada de la viuda de Cuzco, establecimiento montado como ahora se dice, no a la altura, sino a la bajeza de los más primorosos atrasos del país.
The great merit of Joven obtained him the office of a counsellor of state under King Joseph: for this reason the political inquisitors who surround the throne of Ferdinand VII.
Melendez accepted the place for the same reasons as Joven de Salas; he afterwards incurred the same fate, and died at Montpelier in 1817.
Ciertamente que no puedo menos de agradecer y admirar el que vaya así a exponerse por mi causa a tantos peligros un joven de tales esperanzas, tan rico.
Sturges promised to ship them both off on the Joven Guipuzcoanoa, and to keep them comfortably for a year in Mexico.
The barque, Joven Guipuzcoanoa, leaves Monterey within a week after the convent closes for vacation.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "joven" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.