These things are done by most jewelers in the West End; there is nothing in them either unusual or fearful.
Again and again I told myself that the fellow from Scotland Yard was an absurd crank upon a false scent, and that ninety jewelers of a hundred would have done as I had done, and have brought the stone to Berkshire.
All the precious stones the jewelers have in Bagdad are not to be compared to mine for size or beauty; and I am sure that the offer of them will secure the favor of the sultan.
In the meantime the jewelers and goldsmiths repaired to the palace, and were introduced into the sultan's presence, where the chief jeweler presented the precious stones which he had brought back.
It did seem ridiculous now that the very simple expedient of going to the master jewelers for information had not struck any of them.
He did know the person he meant was in the possession of the famous Farringdon pearls, a fact immensely interesting to Fitch and Larrabee, the jewelers in whose employ he was.
Yes; diamonds wrapped in those little squares of white paper that jewelers use.
Well, I saw Larch at one time, and Harry King at another, have one of those white tissue paper packages that jewelers keep diamonds in.
Galle has a large population of Moormen among its residents, who are generally dealers in gems, or engaged as manufacturing jewelers and practical lapidaries.
They told us the jewelers would not dare to violate this law, and that whatever a stranger bought in one of their stores might be depended upon as being strictly what it was represented to be.
Guess I'll take a run over to Chester in the Butterfly, and see what one of the jewelers there has to say.
The Sultan was so pleased when he heard this, that he sent at once for all the court jewelers and ordered them to finish the window like the rest.
The court jewelers worked for many days, and then sent to tell the Sultan that they had used up all the jewels they possessed, and still the window was not half finished.
Then Aladdin ordered the jewelers to stop their work, and to take back all the Sultan's jewels as well as their own.
The mere fact that coined metal is of a definite fineness well known and attested is often of some consequence, though the attestation of well-known jewelersmay give this advantage to metal bars as well, for large transactions.
It is, moreover, harder for the money market to resist extra demand from the jewelers than from many other interests.
If the brassage charge were much larger than the charges made by reputable and well-known jewelers for assaying and weighing, etc.
From the jewelers he came to know that the fruits he had gathered when he got the lamp were not merely colored glass, but stones of untold value, the rarest in the city.
When the jewelers and goldsmiths were called they undertook to finish the window, but needed all the jewels the Sultan could give and the Grand Vizier lend for the work.
At Versailles, when the jewelers brought it for the last time to try and tempt the queen.
I did not persevere in my idea, for I believed the necklace was in your own hands; I never conspired with Madame de la Motte about it, and I have it no more than you say you or the jewelers have it.
Listen, and one thing is simple; Madame de la Motte took away the necklace, and returned it to the jewelers in my name.
The jewelers once paid, that question was at an end; Jeanne felt sure of her fortune.
We will, however, leave her for the present, and follow the jewelersin their search after the truth.
The jewelers had prepared a receipt, but no one came with the money in exchange for it.
Breteuil, "they say that the queen recommenced the negotiation for the purchase privately, and that the jewelershold a paper signed by her, acknowledging that she kept it.
The jewelers began to utter most respectful protestations, but Manoƫl walked on, and Beausire followed him.
But, in strange contradiction to this receipt, the jewelers received a visit two days after from M.
The twojewelers looked at each other, disconcerted.
Ducorneau had found the jewelers much more disposed to politeness and confidence since entering the hotel; also, on seeing an old friend, Bossange was delighted.
You said at the jewelers that I did not understand French, and Ducorneau will let out that I do.
At Paris, the drapers, mercers, grocers, furriers, hatters and jewelers formed the six bodies of merchants.
There is only one thing to do that I can see, and that is to notify the pawnshops and jewelers all over the country.
They are watching for her at the railroad stations, and I have wired the pawnshops and jewelers in Harrisburg and other cities nearby.
One of the jewelers reverently took up the great stone; then in his other hand he took one of the smaller fragments, which he instantly recognized from its peculiar shape.
Doctor Wesselhoff was also a victim of the sharpers; for, of course, it will be readily understood that the whole matter was only a deeply laid and cunningly executed scheme to rob the wealthy jewelers of diamonds to a large amount.
Having a true natural luster without being cut; -- applied by jewelers to a precious stone.
They wore silver rings and bracelets, which the native jewelers had made.
The native jewelers are very clever, fashioning the silver pesos into ornaments for bolos, hats, or walking-sticks.
It may be that work will become scarce in the States, as it has done with those poor jewelers at Attleborough of whom we spoke, and that food will become dear.
In the mean time the poor jewelers of Attleborough have gone altogether to the wall.
I'm going to dump this whole shipment at fifty cents a pound, and we'll take mighty good care that jewelers don't corner the supply.
When the Government and all the scientific societies were abjectly begging the jewelers to let loose a little of it they refused--they were selling it to profiteering spendthrifts at a hundred and fifty dollars an ounce.
As long as the price stays high it will be used for jewelry, and as long as it is used for jewelry the price will stay high, and scientists will have to fight the jewelers for what little they get.
But after a few jewelers have seen these stones, one of them will be offering us five million dollars apiece for them, trying to buy them for some dizzy old dame who wants to put out the eyes of some of her social rivals.
Benin natives which any of ourjewelers might do well to copy.
The ground-floor of the palace was occupied by the shops of jewelers and milliners, some of whom were great sufferers by the fire.
She fled to London, where for some time she and her husband lived on the proceeds of the necklace, which they had broken up and sold piecemeal to jewelers in London and other cities; but they were soon reduced to great distress.