I have, added he, wished such a proposal might take effect from the very first moment that I saw you; but my honour would not permit me to make it in form, till the invalidity of my pretended marriage did appear to the whole world.
Indirect reduction is the process of proving a Mood to be valid by showing that the supposition of its invalidity involves a contradiction.
I cannot here do more than thus imply the invalidity of such part of Mr. Hutton's argument as proceeds upon this incorrect representation.
Provision againstinvalidity and old age may be through compulsory old age insurance, or through state old age pensions.
On the contrary the legal distinction between burgesses liable to be taxed and those who were without estate, and the invalidity of marriage between patricians and plebeians, were confirmed anew in the law of the city.
Aristotle had no means of shewing the invalidity of the mode A E in the First figure, except by an appeal to particular examples.
The invalidity of the invalid modes, and the validity of the valid modes, rest alike upon this ultimate reference to examples of propositions known to be true or false, by prior experience of the learner.
When he deals with the remaining or invalid modes of the First figure, his manner of showing their invalidity is different, and in itself somewhat curious.
The hinge of the great question, in the form which at last it assumed, was the validity or invalidity of the dispensation by which Henry had married his brother's widow.
In Germany their system covers sickness, accidents, invalidity and old age, three different classes.
The success of the German system, as I view it, is based upon the mutuality of sickness, invalidity and old age, all three being interdependent and interwoven under one scheme, and the mutuality being in that system.
This is of course very easy; as the same arguments which demonstrated the inability of human reason to affirm the existence of a Supreme Being must be alike sufficient to prove the invalidity of its denial.
That is to say, his own declarations are doubted, for his objections were based upon facta, which are contingent, and not upon principles, which can alone demonstrate the necessary invalidity of all dogmatical assertions.
This principle of reason is hence valid only as a rule for the extension of a possible experience--its invalidity as a principle constitutive of phenomena in themselves having been sufficiently demonstrated.
In June Parliament confirmed Cranmer's sentence by declaring the invalidity of Henry's previous marriages, and the illegitimacy of Mary and Elizabeth, and by fixing the succession on the heirs of the king and Jane Seymour.
Indeed, "intellectual matter" presents no greater incongruity or invalidity of conception than "vital matter.
Palafox refused to be bound by his contract with Salvatierra; he declared the acts of the commission to be null and void, reasserted the invalidity of the Jesuit faculties, and put three of his own canons in jail.
But not a word was said in Washington's Message, or in the debate in Congress, about the invalidity of the Georgia sale law or the corrupt methods employed to secure the enactment of it.
In the somewhat extended debate over the bill but little was said about the invalidityof the Yazoo sale, and the corruption of the Legislature that directed it to be made was not mentioned.
From the disorderly form of its government," says he, "there is aninvalidity in all compacts and treaties whatever.
No; the only security for the possession of Nid de Merle lay in either the death of the young baron and his child or else in his acquiescence in the invalidity of his marriage, and therefore in the illegitimacy of the child.
It is a much simpler question than invalidity insurance; but it is a great matter by itself.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "invalidity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.