In the catalogue dated 1512 it is called Intima et ultima secretior bibliotheca, and seems to have contained the most valued treasures.
The Bibliotheca pontificia is introduced with the following heading: In intima et ultima secretiori bibliotheca ubi libri sunt pretiosiores.
We have seen that the very monks of Lindisfarne had to be warned by Alcuin.
He mentions the "pyre built of ships" and differs from the poet of Beowulf chiefly because he allows those frankly heathen references to gods and offerings which the poet of Beowulf excludes.
Surely, any such inexactitude is what we should expect in a late poet, drawing upon tradition.
But Saxo shows us how far into Christian times the ancient funeral, in all its heathendom, was remembered; and how little compunction an ecclesiastic had in recording it.
In the smaller arteries there is more or less uniform thickening of the tunica intima from proliferation of the endothelium and increase in the connective tissue in the elastic lamina--a form of obliterative endarteritis.
These valves are composed of semilunar folds of the tunica intima strengthened by an addition of connective tissue.
The division of the coats of the vessel being incomplete, the natural hæmostasis that results from curling up of the intima and contraction of the media, fails to take place, and bleeding goes on into the surrounding tissues, and externally.
As a rule a fusiform aneurysm contains fluid blood, but when theintima is roughened by disease, especially in the form of calcareous plates, shreds of clot may adhere to it.
As they increase in size, the intima loses its smoothness and becomes thickened and rough.
The process may involve a great portion of the inner coat, even the whole thickness of the intima may be destroyed.
The large arteries differ from those of medium size mainly in the fact that there is no sharp line of demarcation between the intima and the media.
As a result strain hypertrophy of the intima shows itself with thickening, and it may also be of the adventitia, resulting in chronic periarteritis.
The arterioles are generally the seat of a moderate thickening of the intima and media, but it is not usual to find obliterating endarteritis.
By the fifth decade the connective tissue deposits in the intima are marked, there is an increase of fibrous tissue upon the medial side of the intima and, in lesser degree, throughout the media.
When a local giving way under pressure occurs in the media, the intima is put on the stretch (see Fig.
The nutrition of the intimaand inner portion of the media is obtained from the blood circulating through the vessel.
In other words, the strain has begun to tell upon the vessel wall, and the yielding tube fortifies itself by the connective tissue thickening of the intima and to a lesser extent of the media.
Rather contrary to what one would expect, there are no new capillaries advancing from the media to the intima in the nodular form of arteriosclerosis, consequently there is no granulation tissue to heal and leave scars.
I, media weakened at M' with overgrowth of intima filling in the depression.
The changes in the intima constitute the effort on the part of nature to repair a defect in the vessel wall which is to compensate for the weakened media and the widened lumen.
The intima shows compensatory thickening especially where the media is thinned.
It has been shown that dogs fed for a long time on putrefied meat developed inflammation and degeneration of the adventitia and media, with hyperplasia and calcification of the intima of many arteries.
In the intima of the larger arteries the elastic tissue occurs as sheets, which under the microscope appear perforated and pitted, the so-called fenestrated membrane of Henle.
The intima hypertrophies, layer upon layer being added in an attempt to restore the strength of the vessel.
This is accomplished, according to the researches of Baumgarten,[21] by an outgrowth of endothelium from the intima of the vessel, the thrombus being absorbed as the growth of tissue advances.
In aneurism and varix a slowing of the blood-current is present, and the intima of the diseased region is frequently in such an abnormal condition that a clotting of the blood readily takes place.
He remarks also that he observed hyaline degeneration of the intima of arteries in the spleen.
The intima of these vessels was in places so swollen as to resemble cylindrical or spindle-shaped hyaline masses, and cause narrowing of the lumina of the vessels in which this degeneration occurred.
Allied to the traumatic thrombi are those which arise {59} from acute inflammation of the intima extending from wounds or inflammatory processes in the vicinity of blood-vessels.
Such are tissues, as the pulmonary elastic fibres, fragments of diseased valves of the heart and of the intima of arteries, or portions of tumors growing into vascular canals.
On the contrary, ossification of the fibrous inflammatory products of the pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum are instances of a pathological bone-formation, analogous in its nature to that met with in the intima of the aorta.
Klein found increase of nuclei (probably epithelial) upon the glomeruli and hyaline degeneration of the intima of minute arteries, especially marked in the afferent arterioles of the Malpighian bodies.
The pericardial milk-spots and thickenings, the tendinous or semi-cartilaginous, indurated patches of serous membranes and of the intima of arteries, are all regarded as manifestations of a chronic inflammation of these tissues.
The vascularization of thrombi surrounded by unbroken walls is most likely to result from the extension into the thickened intima of new-formed branches of the vasa vasorum.
Such apparent adhesions are easily recognized by the smooth, shining, intact intima which is disclosed after the removal of a clot.
Mackenzie describes a hyaline degeneration of the intima of the arterioles and a skeleton condition of the epithelium of the collecting tubes.
The intima especially is much altered in its appearance and structure, becoming thick, opaque, grayish or yellowish in color, and having adherent to it a thrombus passing through its characteristic changes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "intima" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.