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Example sentences for "interfemoral"

Lexicographically close words:
interet; interethnic; interets; interface; interfacial; interfere; interfered; interference; interferences; interferes
  1. In females a pair of teat-like appendages are found in front of the pubis; and the long tail extends to the margin of the interfemoral membrane.

  2. The distinctive feature of these bats is the free tail-tip, which pierces the interfemoral membrane to appear on its upper surface, and may project beyond its margin.

  3. Tail short or absent, when present free from the interfemoral membrane; second finger with a claw; premaxillae united in front.

  4. The tail is long and does not perforate the interfemoral membrane.

  5. The relative development of the interfemoral membrane has been referred to in connexion with the caudal vertebrae.

  6. Mystacops resembles Myzopoda in having three phalanges to the middle finger, but differs in that the tail perforates the interfemoral membrane to appear on its upper surface in the manner characteristic of the Emballonuridae.

  7. In their blunt muzzles and many other features these bats undoubtedly resemble the Emballonuridae, from the typical members of which they differ by the production of the thick tail far beyond the margin of the interfemoral membrane.

  8. The tail is long, and extends to the end of the interfemoral membrane.

  9. The interfemoral membrane is rudimentary or wanting.

  10. The ear has a tragus, and the tail is not produced to any great degree behind the interfemoral membrane.

  11. The genus Taphozous[402] has a tail which perforates the interfemoral membrane, appearing on its upper surface; it is capable of being withdrawn.

  12. From the inner side of the ankle-joint arises a cartilaginous process, the calcar, which supports the interfemoral part of the wing {522} membrane.

  13. The tail is thick and fleshy, and is prolonged far beyond the margin of the interfemoral membrane.

  14. The tail is partly free, either perforating the interfemoral membrane and appearing upon its upper surface, or prolonged beyond its end.

  15. The tail, if present, has nothing to do with the interfemoral membrane.

  16. The tail is shorter than the head and body, and is nearly contained within {530} the interfemoral membrane.

  17. Above rufescent, beneath ashy brown; face slightly fulvous; round the base of the ears and on the sides of the posterior half of the body bright fulvous; tail enclosed in the interfemoral membrane.

  18. The upper third of the outer margin of the ears deeply emarginate; colour of fur light brownish; ears and interfemoral membranes pale yellowish white; membranes dusky white.

  19. Fur fine woolly, long, bicoloured; above light shining brown, paler below; the free edge of the interfemoral membrane margined with small papillae.

  20. Rump and hairy part of interfemoral verging toward brownish fulvous.

  21. In Pteromys the tail is cylindrical and comparatively thin, while in Sciuropterus it is broad, flat and laterally expanded, so as to compensate for the absence of the interfemoral membrane by acting as a supplementary parachute.

  22. The two differ in certain details of dentition, and in the greater development in the former of the parachute, especially the interfemoral portion, which in the latter is almost absent.

  23. Wings and interfemoral membranes with lines of hairs.

  24. National Museum, the medially-developed interfemoral membrane is about 7 wide.

  25. The web between the legs and tail ("interfemoral pouch") is mostly used to hold their prey whilst it is being eaten.

  26. The membranes are dark brown; that of the wing arises from the base of the toes, and that of the interfemoral leaves the last joint of the tail free.

  27. The interfemoral membrane is whitish below, and there are whitish hairs on the toes.

  28. The long tail when folded forwards can touch the top of the head; its tip is slightly free from the interfemoral membrane, and when the Bat hooks itself up head downwards for sleep it serves as a third foot.

  29. The wing membrane extends to the base of the outer toe, and the interfemoral membrane is distinctly fringed with stiff hairs along its lower edge.

  30. As already indicated, the flight of this Bat is usually low, and it alights to consume its prey, which it presses against the wing membrane, the interfemoral pouch not being large enough for the purpose.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interfemoral" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.