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Example sentences for "interceptor"

Lexicographically close words:
intercellular; intercept; intercepted; intercepting; interception; interceptors; intercepts; intercession; intercessions; intercessor
  1. His tactical units include about twenty fighter-bomber and fighter-interceptor squadrons and a squadron each of transports, reconnaissance aircraft, and helicopters.

  2. Interceptor squadrons are presumably integrated into the Warsaw Pact air defense network, which is designed to function as a unit over all of Eastern Europe.

  3. Not until he returned did he tell Penny that he had called Interceptor Headquarters and that Army men had been sent to the lighthouse to make a thorough check-up.

  4. At Interceptor Headquarters it was assumed that a mistake had been made in charting the location of the station.

  5. It is believed that the 1970 force included four ground support squadrons and probably two interceptor squadrons, with about ten or twelve aircraft per squadron.

  6. MiG-19s for the air defense interceptor role have also been furnished by the Chinese.

  7. The missile, set up as a meteor interceptor only, was unable to correct for the radical course changes of the enemy spaceships, and therefore missed completely.

  8. The target had been observed for six minutes and an F-86 jet interceptor had been scrambled but by the time the F- 86 had climbed into the air the target was gone.

  9. In fact, he had made a trip to both the radar site and the interceptor base just two days after the sighting, and he had talked about the sighting with the people who had seen the UFO on the radar.

  10. The duty controller, an Air Force captain, was quickly called; he made a fast check of the targets that had now been put on the plotting board and called to a jet fighter-interceptor base for a scramble.

  11. About a year before over Oak Ridge, Tennessee, an F-82 interceptor had nearly flown into the ground three times as the pilot attempted to follow a target that his radar operator was picking up.

  12. Two F-86's from the 97th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron at Wright-Patterson were scrambled and in a few minutes they were climbing out toward where the radar showed the UFO to be.

  13. The pilot of the jet interceptor continued to search the area but couldn't find anything.

  14. In theory, one interceptor could handle a missile all by itself.

  15. Thus he had to launch the interceptor when the missile was twenty-seven degrees from intercept.

  16. Launch one interceptor at each track identified as hostile.

  17. If he failed to launch an interceptor at a track that turned out to be hostile, it meant the death of an American city.

  18. Had he been prone to spacesickness, he would never have been accepted as a Rocket Interceptor pilot.

  19. Rocket Interceptor pilots had to be capable of taking all the punishment their ships could dish out.

  20. Only the previous week, at a station down the line, an interceptor had been launched at an unannounced satellite.

  21. Can you tell me a little of what the WACs of the Interceptor Control do?

  22. That Interceptor Control sounds intriguing,” Norma said as they marched over the crusted snow.

  23. We’re to be part of an Interceptor Control—catch planes that are coming to bomb us.

  24. I am to be given a station of the Interceptor Control, and—” “Interceptor Control!

  25. That’s the why of the Interceptor Control.

  26. All that time you were fitting yourself for two of our most important departments—Communication and Interceptor Control.

  27. She told you about the Interceptor Control?

  28. Lieutenant Warren seemed fairly bursting in her enthusiasm for the Interceptor Control.

  29. Now why would she, a hairdresser, want to talk about Interceptor Control?

  30. I’ll bring up the subject of the Interceptor Control.

  31. Twice the strange girl led back to the Interceptor Control.

  32. From somewhere far to the north, another interceptor rocket had found the atomic warhead of an enemy bomb.

  33. So far, five of them have been hit by interceptor rockets, but we don't have them all by a long shot.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interceptor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.