It would appear therefore that the cotyledon answers to a minute leaf rolled up, and that a chink through which the plumule grows out is a part of the inrolled edges.
An inrolled small leaf, such as in double-flowered Cherry blossoms is often seen to occupy the place of a pistil.
The valve on the surface of the funnel, partially concealed by the inrolled lateral margin of the latter.
The inrolled lateral margins of the epipodia are not fused, but form a siphon by apposition (fig.
Must be carefully distinguished from Brachypodium, which has the palea less inrolled and a stouter rachilla.
Annual, longer auricles, and hair on the ribbed inrolled surface.
In the other Bromes the palea is more inrolled and the “seed†more slender as a rule.
In the following cases the leaves are setaceous, due to the very narrow blade remaining permanently folded or inrolled at its edges, and usually being thickened and hardened also (Figs.
Tertullian, though a man loyal to excels, says, every man is a soldier inrolled to bear arms against all traitors and public enemies.
Darwin's point absent in 6 men, inrolled knob in 1 man; tragus under 3 mm.
Darwin's point an infolded tip in 1, an inrolled knob in 2, absent in the rest; tragus under 3 mm.
The forked gills, the strongly inrolled margin of the cap and veil of the young plants are well shown in the illustration.
There does not seem to be a well formed annulus, the veil only being present in a rather young stage, as the inrolled margin of the pileus is unrolling from the surface of the stem.
Section of young plant showing inrolled margin of cap, and the veil (natural size).
Half an inch long; garnet; the five oblong lobes somewhat longer than the tube, but hardly longer than the stamens, which surpass the five white petals with inrolled edges.
Its perianth is less than an inch long, and its staminodia are yellow, with inrolled edges.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inrolled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.