As before is said, this kingdome is of so ancient antiquity, that there is opinion that the first that did inhabite this countrie, were the neuewes of Noe.
Wherevppon he determined to send thyther certaine shippes, with souldiers and armor and other trifling things, thinking chiefly to enrich himself by barter, and also to inhabite by force.
After the receyte of this letter, he made al the hast possible to departe vpon his iourney, ceasing from his voyage whiche he had in hande, for to inhabite the riuer De las Palmas.
Hircio hearing this answere, sent foure of his men, giuing credite to his message, and for the desire he hadde to inhabite there.
Many of this Generation did inhabite aboute the lake of Tenuchtitlan, but their name ended by mixture in marriage with other people.
The Nagayes that inhabite that towne, are the Emperour of Russia his vassals: It is supposed there are of them inhabiting that place of men, women, and children, the number of seuen thousand.
When Basilius first conquered those countries, he suffered then the natiues to keepe their possessions, and to inhabite all their townes, onely paying him a tribute, vnder the gouernment of his Russe Captaines.
All the nations that inhabite from these riuers to Aurea Anus, are subiect to the prince of Moscouia.
The people that inhabite the region by this riuer, are called Vuogolici.
And when Adam and Euah were cast out of paradise by the angel of the Lord, the Mahumetans say, they came to inhabite this litle mountaine of pardons.
Any other people then the two Eremites abouesaid, cannot inhabite this Island, except some sicke man that may be set there a shore to remaine in the Eremites companie, for his helpe and recouery.
The residue of the people of the city are some of them Christians, some marchants, and some traueilers through the countrey: whereupon I marueiled much howe such an infinite number of persons could inhabite and liue together.
Thinking none to be more meete for that state then one Abdolominus, who being of the royall race, for pouertie was inforced to inhabite a litle cotage without the citie.
Whereuppon the Larke toke vp her yong ones, and went to inhabite in some other place.
Do not thy sorrowful mother, thy deare wife and children, inhabitewithin the compasse of yonder citie?
Sidenote: A hundreth men appointed to inhabite there.
Westerne Ocean by the Tyrrheni, who were forbidden for certaine causes to inhabite the same by the foresaid Carthaginians.
And seeing that it was a most beautifull Island, it pleased him exceeding well, and therefore hee made choice to inhabite therein his owne selfe, and built forts there which are at this day called by his owne name.
They inhabite for the most part in caues, or hollowe places within the sides of mountaines.
The day following Godred put his souldiers to their choice, whether they would diuide Man among themselues and inhabite it, or whether they would take the wealth of the countrey, and so returne vnto their owne home.
And the Mannians which of late were dispersed and scattered abroad, began to vnite themselues, and to inhabite without feare.
This mountaine when it rageth, it soundeth like dreadfull thunder, casteth forth huge stones, disgorgeth brimstone and with the cinders that are blowen abroad, it couereth so much ground round about it, that no man can inhabite within 20.
The names of all the men, women and children, which safely arriued in Virginia, and remained to inhabite there.
Thus haue I (as I trust) prooued that we may iustly trade and traffique with the Sauages, and lawfully plant and inhabite their Countries.
Ribault firste, and after Ladoniere, and a thirde tyme Ribault, to fortifie and inhabitein Florida?
And those which inhabite it being so base, what shall be the issue of such happines, if their memorie doe not represent vnto them some aduersitie that may betide them, according to the order of fortune?
But because wee found it not very commodious for vs to inhabite there: wee determined to returne vnto the place which wee had discouered before, when wee had sayled vp the Riuer.
The third and last part of such other things as are behouefull for those which shall plant and inhabite to know of, with a description of the nature and maners of the people of the Countrey.
For English corne neuertheles whether to vse or not to vse it, you that inhabite maie do as you shall haue farther cause to thinke best.
That the soule of our grandam, might happily inhabite a bird Clo.
Sure these are but imaginarie wiles, And lapland Sorcerers inhabite here.
There's none but Witches do inhabite heere, And therefore 'tis hie time that I were hence: She that doth call me husband, euen my soule Doth for a wife abhorre.
But, as I am giuen to vnderstand since our comming from thence, the Portugals haue attempted the place and doe inhabite it, and haue put the French from their accustomed trade.
It was ordered by generall Consent that such Captaines or Leaders of Perticulerr Plantacions that shall goe there to inhabite .
Infidells, yet lett the rich Mammon's desires egge them on to inhabite these Countries.
Being demaunded why the men of their countrey doe inhabite vnder the ground, they sayd, that at a certeine time of the yeare, when the sunne riseth, there is such an huge noyse, that the people cannot endure it.
In the next territories adioyning doe inhabite two carnall brothers dukes of the Tartars, namely, Burin and Cadan, the sonnes of Thyaday, who was the sonne of Chingis Can.
These men also haue the Tartars rooted out, and doe possesse and inhabite their countrey, howbeit, those that remained are reduced into their bondage.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inhabite" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.