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Example sentences for "inexpugnable"

Lexicographically close words:
inexplicably; inexpressible; inexpressibles; inexpressibly; inexpressive; inextinguishable; inextricable; inextricably; infallibility; infallible
  1. If you mean the King of Spain, your own inexpugnable honour would not raise an arm against him; and he will not, cannot, prevent me dedicating my life to you!

  2. But where were they all when my inexpugnable honour was calumniated and betrayed?

  3. To the sore scandal of the Church and Spain, And to the Florentine's much scathe and woe, By him that famous castle shall be quelled, Which inexpugnable whilere was held.

  4. A fortress, inexpugnable by the arts of war.

  5. Defn: So as to be inexpugnable; in an inexpugnable manner.

  6. God's judgments show that even in such extremity He is an inexpugnable defence, like some hill fortress, inaccessible to any foe.

  7. The sound of his words excited his thoughts, and in the play of darting thoughts he had glimpses now and then of the inexpugnable rock of his convictions, towering in solitary grandeur above the unprofitable waste of errors and passions.

  8. Marion might never have been an early Christian herself--I think she's an inexpugnable pagan--but she would have gone round making it awfully uncomfortable for the other unbelievers.

  9. To remedy this evil, he established a senate with such a degree of power, as might fix them the inexpugnable barrier of the constitution against the encroachments either of kings or people.

  10. This island has been hitherto the inexpugnable barrier of the liberties of Europe, and is as much the object of the jealousy and hatred of the French as ever Carthage was of the Romans.

  11. One of the strongest positions imaginable; which, under Prince Henri, proved inexpugnable enough to some of us.

  12. The fiercer the blast, the firmer our confidence in the inexpugnable solidity of that tower of strength that stands four square to every wind that blows.

  13. We have a city which cannot be moved; and the removal of the things which can be shaken but makes more manifest its impregnable security, its inexpugnable peace.

  14. He admits that these religious emotions are inexpugnable facts of human nature, as certain and as incontestable as the facts of physics.

  15. We were pleased to be with each other in an inexpugnable retreat, to hear our voices untinged by anxiety; and, going to the outer end of the short passage, we breathed with joy the pure air.

  16. The very deepest thing, and the most absolutely inexpugnable thing, in every human heart is its theism; its original and inextinguishable convictions about itself and about God.

  17. My one hope of the world, my inexpugnable consolation in looking at the miseries of the world, is that this is altering.

  18. Euro Hence the conservative, inexpugnable character of Magic and its easy alliance with Mysticism.

  19. Less boldly drawn but not the less truthful is Helmer, that inexpugnable prig, with his shallow selfishness, his complacent conceit, and his morality for external use only.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inexpugnable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    deathless; immortal; impenetrable; imperishable; impregnable; incontestable; incorruptible; indelible; indestructible; indomitable; ineradicable; inextinguishable; insuperable; invincible; inviolable; invulnerable; irresistible; overpowering; overwhelming; unasked; unassailable; unbeatable; unconquerable; undying; unquenchable; unyielding