An indicatory instrument, showing by the virtue of a stone the degrees of declination from the horizon of each several latitude.
An indicatory instrument, showing by the virtue of a stone the degrees of declination from the horizon of each several latitude.
And the very statement concerning the revealing of names and forms implies the statement of signs indicatory of Brahman, viz.
Moreover, the passage contains no clear indicatory mark of Brahman, such as creative power, and the like.
The print," he continued, "was the first confirmation of evidence, but it was not the first indicatory sign.
Sir," he began, "I am not advised that the purpose of a bequest is relevant, when the bequest is direct and unencumbered by the testator with any indicatory words of trust or uses.
But," said Marion, "is not the aspect of these peculiarities indicatory of either a natural event or one designed by a human intelligence?
And his indicatory data seemed to be the dried blossom of our desert poppy.
Against this view the Sûtra declares itself, 'on account of the majority of indicatory marks'; i.
On account of the plurality of indicatory marks; for that (proof) is stronger.
Here terminates the adhikarana of 'the plurality of indicatory marks.
In a case of the alienated wife, whose blood is running another way, no foul snake's bite is more poisonous than that indicatory touch, however simple and slight.
There would seem to be something singularly indicatory I in this engagement.
Regarded in this indicatory light, the battle between the Bon Homme Richard and the Serapis--in itself so curious--may well enlist our interest.
But how could the various kinds of fluid, for instance, be represented in these indicatory pictures?
It was originally a picture-writing, which, like the Egyptian, passed from real pictures to indicatory and symbolic pictures or picture-signs.
Thus from actual imitative pictures we arrive at indicatory pictures.
Footnote 420: "Let vriddhi be the substitute of a base ending in a vowel, when that which has an indicatory n or n follows;" nini has an indicatory n.