I was glad to get out of the uproar, though not disposed to travel in an incommodious open carriage all night, had I thought that there was any chance of getting horses.
The apartment into which the young noble had been thus ushered, seemed to have been hastily fitted up with such resources of a lady's chamber as the cumbrous and incommodious fashion of the day offered.
A tyrant, who should he incredulous, would not be a more incommodious scourge to his subjects, than a theological autocrat, who should wield his sceptre to the misery of his people.
How can a corporeal being make an incorporeal being experience incommodious sensations?
Mr. Wood then led the way up a rather high and, according to modern notions, incommodious flight of steps, and introduced his guest to a neat parlour, the windows of which were darkened by pots of flowers and creepers.
Other salutations are very incommodious and painful; it requires great practice to enable a man to be polite in an island situated in the straits of the Sound.
Sometimes it is in a state of incommodious inaction; sometimes it is the sport of the alternate shocks it undergoes.
Much talent and still more jollity were wasted in that incommodious gallery.
And we may observe in general, that if we can find any quality in a person, which renders him incommodious to those, who live and converse with him, we always allow it to be a fault or blemish, without any farther examination.
He served the Fathers not with fine words, but with good deeds, as I had good reason to know, having taken many long journeys with him throughincommodious wilds, when he fulfilled the part of a most diligent servant.
By incommodious encampments and unwholesome stations, where courage is useless, and enterprise impracticable, fleets are silently dispeopled, and armies sluggishly melted away.