Wherefore, least he should seeme ouer rashlie to commit himselfe into manifest perill, he staied a little from Bruges, and there incamped for that day, as if he ment to abide the comming of his enimies.
And vpon the fridaie next following, the king being stillincamped in the said forrest, our scuriers descried the French K.
These valiant capteins came to Alnewike in Northumberland, about the beginning of Iulie, where they first incamped themselues, & marshalled their hoast.
Here Goffarius with such Galles as were assembled to his aid, gaue battell againe vnto the Troians that were incamped to abide his comming.
The erle comming thither, incamped himselfe with fiue hundred horssemen in a little close not farre from the castell.
But being incamped neere the towne of Blangie, he by a sudden maladie departed this life, the last of August, leauing his seigniories to Lewes de Lutzenburg his sonne and heire.
When he had thus gathered and assembled his armie, hee sailed to Calis the sixt day of October, and there incamped himselfe for a space, to see all his men and prouision in such readinesse, as nothing should be wanting.
The armie incamped without the citie, seeing these things, humbled themselues meekelie before the crosse, rendering to almightie God their most humble and heartie thankes.
Shabonas Creek after our interpreter who incamped several weeks on this Creek and is the highest point on the Missouri to which a white man has been previous to this time.
Stoped about one mile above for Capt Lewis who had assended the Clifts which is at the Said Cave 300 fee high, hanging over the Water, the water excessively Swift to day, we incamped below a Small Isld.
La Craw, we made Some fiew enquiries of this man and again proceeded on through a very bad part of the river Crouded with Snags & Sawyers and incamped on a Sand bar about 4 miles above the Grand Nemahar.
Iron ore near the bottom or next to the water is a Soft Slate Stone, Som pebble is also intermixt, we passed a verry bad Sand bar and incamped on the L.
Lewis walk on Shore a little & passed a Camp of Kickapoo Indians, & incamped in the mouth of a Small Creek in a large Bend on the Stbd Side.
Easterly fork of the same creek about 101/2 miles and incamped near a small prarie in the bottom land the fallen timber in addition to the slippry roads made our march slow and extreemly laborious on our horses.
Prarty proceeded, passed two Islands and incamped on the Stard.
Clock we Set out and proceeded on verry well miles and incamped on the Std.
Situated at the points, in low water form a part of the Sand bars makeing out from those points Incamped on the S.
For oftentimes the armie by land incamped so by the shore, that those which kept the sea came on land to make merrie in the campe, and then ech one would recount to others the aduentures that had happened, as the manner is in semblable cases.
Abington, whither the English armie shortlie after came also, and incamped fast by the enimies.
The Camisards were incamped in safety in the woods, and upon the lofty mountain table lands, and all were rejoicing in the hope of soon beholding their worship and liberty of conscience reestablished.
Cavalier was incamped opposite on the confines of the wood, surrounded by Clary, Marion, and other religious men, who were discoursing on ghostly matters.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "incamped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.