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Example sentences for "immigrants"

Lexicographically close words:
immersed; immersing; immersion; immersions; immigrant; immigrate; immigrated; immigrating; immigration; immigrations
  1. In forty years more than two millions of immigrants have made their homes in Argentina.

  2. The immigrants from northern Chile and Bolivia established Tucuman in the tropical garden spot of the republic in 1565.

  3. The assimilation of Indian blood did not take place on a large scale, and the immigrants and their descendants became perforce horsemen and fighters.

  4. The routes of migration of the successive waves of lower Paleolithic immigrants are still unknown.

  5. The Neolithic immigrants probably made small clearings with the aid of fire, especially where the trees were low and not too thick, as on many light-soiled areas.

  6. Immigrants seeped into Italy and Greece through broken and rough mountain regions.

  7. The immigrants entered their new home with all their physical and mental characters already fixed or determined.

  8. We have seen that the pottery of these earliest immigrants was crude and almost or quite without definite ornament.

  9. The immigrants who came in during the Bronze period settled in the same regions.

  10. In Argentina these burdens bear heavily upon the labouring classes, and in years of depression they send away by thousands immigrants unable to meet the high costs of living.

  11. The Irish leaders have been able to direct in very large measure the votes of the Italians (more particularly the Italians from the South), the Bohemians, and the other groups of immigrants from Catholic communities.

  12. Your whole difficulty with your pauper immigrants arises from your effort to keep two contradictory ideals going at once.

  13. The same impulse led her to choose a vessel in which a party of Jewish pauper immigrants was being shipped farther West.

  14. But orthodox immigrants take their money," said Raphael.

  15. The city is essentially Italian, its influence predominating, although numerically the other foreigners and natives together have a larger population than the immigrants from the Lavinian shores.

  16. Here, then, we must infer the existence of an immense multitude of Norman immigrants mingling and eventually fusing with the subjugated race.

  17. It is naturally in this part of the town that you find the wretched shanties which are the first refuge of the Italian immigrants whilst waiting for an opportunity to start off again.

  18. I have not sought to conceal the fact that the largest number of immigrants make the mistake of stopping at Buenos Ayres, whose population is thus increased out of all proportion with the development of Argentine territory.

  19. I have not concealed the fact that immigrants complain loudly of the want of supervision from which they suffer in some regions.

  20. Johnston, "that the Hausa speech was shaped by a double influence: from Egypt, and Hamiticized Nubia, as well as by Libyan immigrants from across the Sahara.

  21. Among these were immigrants from Arabia, and J.

  22. The immigrants whose arrival caused the institution of the dual system were a relatively fair people of superior culture who interred their dead in a sitting position and feared their ghosts.

  23. One represents the immigrants of superior culture who came by sea, the other the first people, aborigines, of lowly culture who were quite unable to cope with the wiles and stratagems of the people who had settled among them.

  24. The early system of government was patriarchal, and villages were independent; the later immigrants introduced a system of feudal monarchy with themselves as a ruling caste.

  25. The immigrants introduced the cult of the dead and the institutions of taboo, totemism and chieftainship.

  26. They may therefore, perhaps, be regarded as early immigrants from the South Sea Islands, distinct in every respect from the true aborigines.

  27. The language and writing of the Semites who, at an unknown period, settled in what is now Abyssinia, show affinities with those of South Arabia, and these Semites may have been immigrants into Africa from that region.

  28. The Celtiberians may have been so called because they were thought to be the descendants of Celtic immigrants from Gaul into Iberia (Spain), or because they were regarded (cf.

  29. The larger half sided with the Americans, as was only natural, seeing that most of them were immigrants from the Thirteen Colonies.

  30. The American immigrants who wanted 'property not liberty' were ready enough for a change of flag whenever it suited them.

  31. The Loyalists were of quite a different social class from the English-speaking immigrants of earlier days.

  32. It was desirable that the English-speaking immigrants should settle on the land with the least possible friction between them and the French Canadians.

  33. Only in the most general way can the history of any species be traced; but could we know it all, it would be as long and as eventful a story as the history of the colonization and settlement of North America by immigrants from Europe.

  34. Some of these are perhaps immigrants from northern Asia, where they still have their nearest relatives.

  35. This may account for the number of Polynesian species found on these islands, about which they are freely mixed with immigrants from the mainland of Mexico.

  36. The Lodhis are immigrants from the United Provinces, in whose Gazetteers it is stated that they belonged originally to the Ludhiana District and took their name from it.

  37. The Mallahs in the Central Provinces appear from their family names to be immigrants from Bundelkhand.

  38. They indicate that the Patwas of the Central Provinces are generally descended from immigrants from northern India.

  39. If it were correct we should be justified in identifying the lunar clans of Rajputs with the early Scythian immigrants of the first and second centuries.

  40. In Sohagpur town of Hoshangabad this is divided into two branches, the Kheralawalas or immigrants from Kherala in Malwa and the local Rangrezes.

  41. And the later Yueh-chi immigrants might well be connected by the Bhats with the Saka hordes who had come at an earlier date from the same direction, and so the Jats [464] might be held to be an offshoot of the Yadavas.

  42. The Jhare or jungly [17] Kunbis are the oldest immigrants and have no doubt an admixture of Gond blood.

  43. The name Purbia (Eastern) is commonly applied in the Central Provinces to persons coming from Oudh, and in this case the Purbia Murhas are probably the latest immigrants from home and have a superior status on this account.

  44. It was formed by immigrants who left their homes, paradoxical as it may seem, because they were patriots.

  45. It is said that too many immigrants settle in our cities, thus dangerously increasing their idle and vicious population.

  46. Including all the immigrants arriving who were over 14 years of age, 28.

  47. Are the illiterate relatives of immigrants who have come here under prior laws entitled to the advantage of these exceptions?

  48. The time is quite within recent memory when the same thing was said of immigrants who, with their descendants, are now numbered among our best citizens.

  49. The failure of the Canadian immigrants to improve the privileges afforded them under British law, proves, conclusively, that the true laws of progress for the African race, do not consist in a mere escape from slavery.

  50. The difficulty would be indefinitely diminished, were the new immigrants a permanent addition to the population.

  51. No advancement, of any consequence, has been made where immigrants have not been largely imported; and in Jamaica, which has received but few, there is a large decline in production from what existed during even the first years of freedom.

  52. A] Until recently immigrants to this country were "bought" in great numbers.

  53. The fact that some Chinese are excluded while others are admitted makes it necessary to enforce rules against the Chinese that are necessary against immigrants from other nations.

  54. The wealth of the immigrants settling in western Canada during the five years previous to that date was estimated as follows.

  55. The San Francisco Alta well says: "The time was when the majority of foreign immigrants came because of an intelligent devotion to free government.

  56. At present ninety-nine per cent of all immigrants come for material reasons only.

  57. The immigrants of those days were mostly farmers and skilled mechanics, who brought with them the habit and prestige of success.

  58. But these Anglo-Saxon immigrants have no difficulty in making butter.

  59. Of the white population, save a handful of English, French, and German, the Portuguese immigrants are the most enterprising men on the river.

  60. All the immigrants are sent there from the ships on which they arrive.

  61. He came over from France to see us, and he saw all the im-im-immigrants acting glad when they first saw the United States.

  62. Immigrants and pioneers are usually the self-reliant and courageous, who dare to endure hardships and incur risks to secure for their country and posterity the benefits of new lands and broader opportunity.

  63. What right had Ramses II to demand forced labor from the immigrants within his border?

  64. The result of his wise and just measures was to bring into his country so large a number of immigrants who preferred to live in a country where justice reigned, that the prosperity aroused the envy and hostility of the neighboring states.

  65. They both looked down upon and feared the nomad immigrants on their eastern border.

  66. There was to be no inspection of immigrants at Ellis Island.

  67. Half a dozen healthy, husky immigrants pushed their way forward and tried to crowd into the first boat.

  68. The immigrants who had no friends to meet them were to be provided for until their cases could be disposed of.

  69. At the adoption of the Ordinance some slaves were held in what is now Indiana and Illinois by immigrants from Southern States.

  70. A plot to convert them "into a dreary region of despotism, inhabited by masters and slaves," to the exclusion of immigrants from the Old World and free laborers from our own States.

  71. Immigrants and old inhabitants favorable to slavery united in memorials to Congress asking a suspension of the article prohibiting slavery.

  72. He and others of the concurring justices held that the inhabitants at the time of the purchase, also all immigrants after the cession, were protected in the right to hold slaves in the entire purchase.

  73. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "immigrants" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.