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Example sentences for "icebox"

Lexicographically close words:
iceberg; icebergs; iceboat; iceboats; icebound; iced; icehouse; icelle; icelles; iceluy
  1. His last doubt of his wife's sanity vanished when, the next morning, they found the icebox door open and half the food gone.

  2. Norah put all the food not in cans inside the old-fashioned icebox which took the place of a refrigerator.

  3. She liked to go into the kitchen herself every morning, to eye the contents of icebox and pantry, and decide upon needed stores.

  4. She's got some bleaching preparation of soda or something drying on the sink-board; she took the shelf out of the icebox the instant she opened it, and began to scour it while she talked.

  5. In summer, since he had only an icebox and visited the town infrequently, he never bought fresh meat which he himself would be unable to use before it spoiled.

  6. Too listless to have much appetite, Andy fixed himself a sandwich, washed it down with a glass of water, took the other fish heads from his icebox and put them on the porch.

  7. I have half a cold chicken in the icebox and a bottle of beer.

  8. She exhumed the fowl from her icebox and cut slices from a loaf of bread, while I opened a can of small French peas, which she set in a saucepan placed on her gas-stove.

  9. I took some scrap lumber and built an icebox just large enough to hold a dime's worth of ice, a pound of butter, and a quart of milk.

  10. On that particular occasion he sat by the icebox or the frigidaire and he sat there and he had his head in his hands and he said, "I am lost.

  11. There was criticism of the action to this extent: That when they went shopping they bought two or three cases of beer which they had available in the icebox when the men came off duty in the evening.

  12. Jerry chortled at the notion of a crestfallen Cookie locking up his beloved icebox for the night.

  13. And not a night went by that I didn't have to count the eggs and hand the keys to the icebox over to the skipper.

  14. Cool and then drain the beans well, then mash fine, pile in a dish and set in the icebox until needed.

  15. Pat dry and then place in icebox until needed.

  16. Three or four cupfuls of cream sauce may be made at one time and then poured into a bowl and covered with a damp napkin, and placed in the icebox until needed.

  17. There are mighty few kids in this town; and if you really want my candid opinion, I don't think Durford needs a day-nursery any more than it needs an icebox for cherubim.

  18. At the rear, an icebox standing in the corner.

  19. Goes back to icebox and slams its doors shut.

  20. In school they teach us that it's an eternal icebox full of gold, and is headquarters for Santa Claus, because that's where reindeer come from.

  21. You see, even this icebox seems like a friend after my experience in the States.

  22. She usually keeps something like that in the icebox in summer, because she thinks cokes are bad for you.

  23. Mom has cold supper waiting, finishing off the icebox before we go away, so we all sit down to eat.

  24. Well, shove back the coffee cups, and I’ll break out that bottle of champagne that’s been sitting in the icebox since Christmas.

  25. I certainly felt badly that there were no groceries in their icebox and the kid was sleeping on the floor and all that.

  26. Then I understand he objected that myself and a couple of others brought groceries to the kid and something for them when the icebox was empty.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "icebox" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.