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Example sentences for "iceboats"

Lexicographically close words:
icao; ice; iceberg; icebergs; iceboat; icebound; icebox; iced; icehouse; icelle
  1. The course for sleighs and for iceboats was fairly safe, however, all the way to Keyport.

  2. Nearer the southern shore the jingle of sleigh-bells and the laughter and shouting of the skaters marked the revelers who gave a free course to the iceboats out here nearer the open water.

  3. The trotting course hugged the shore, the skaters followed the same course, but farther out on the ice, and beyond, toward the middle of the lake, the iceboats had free swing.

  4. On this cold afternoon there were not many sleighs or iceboats on the racing course between Centerport and Keyport.

  5. Young ladies," she said, in her most severe manner, "I hope you are all prepared for the review.

  6. And when she told us to bring in a rhyme, or poetry--whichever we had the courage to call it--I wanted to read mine out loud.

  7. What kind of language is this that you bring to our table?

  8. The small iceboats were built so that two passengers could ride beside the steersman and sheet tender.

  9. When the boys proposed getting out the two iceboats and giving the girls a sail (for the wind was fresh), Ruth was as eager as the others to join in the sport.

  10. When the two iceboats swung about, the one Bobbins manned got away at once and swiftly passed down the lake.

  11. Some of them strapped on their skates and set out to draw the laden iceboats as the most logical way of making steady progress.

  12. I'm sorry to say it will be necessary to leave our iceboats somewhere on the lake, for the creek winds around in such a way, and is so narrow in places, that none of us could work the boats up there.

  13. Mr. Garrity told me there was a man living on the shore of Lake Tokala, who would look after our iceboats for a consideration.

  14. The five owners of the iceboats proceeded to dismantle them, which was not a tedious proceeding.

  15. What if there are too many to be accommodated either on the iceboats we own or in the cabin?

  16. The five iceboats were in line, and could be compared with so many fleet race horses fretting to make a speedy start.

  17. Wallace Carberry said they feared we might have a bad time of it getting the iceboats over to the Radway, and he corralled a few fellows with the idea of lending a hand.

  18. The boys managed to cross the lake and use their iceboats in the bargain, for the violence of the wind had kept most of the surface clear of snow.

  19. Five iceboats are tugging at their halters, anxious to be off," laughed Jack.

  20. When at the lake talking to the man who had agreed to look after their iceboats during their absence, the boys had learned that there was fine fishing through the ice to be had at this season of the year.

  21. And what's to hinder some of us from using our iceboats part of the way?

  22. If a foot of snow comes down on us, good-bye to our using the iceboats as we've been planning.

  23. I hope there's a chance to use our iceboats too!

  24. Glorious days on skates and iceboats followed, when the outdoor girls went to a winter camp.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iceboats" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.