Plutarch says, the ibis destroys poisonous reptiles, and that priests draw the water for their purifications where the Ibis has drunk, as it will never touch unwholesome water.
I can see two string of duck, a whole crowd of ibis on a little island, a crocodile and a hippo.
The native companion, the emu, and the sacred ibisare on this creek.
The Scarlet Ibis (Ibis rubra) is a beautiful species, which adorns the banks of the great rivers of South America, in company with the Roseate Spoonbill.
THE IBIS was regarded as a sacred bird by the ancient Egyptians, who used to have these birds walking about in their temples, and embalmed their bodies after death with as much care as those of their priests and kings.
The sacred Ibis has a long, stout, curved black bill; the head and neck are black and naked, and the plumage is white, with the tips of the wings black.
And when I say that Ibis was nobody, I am repeating Ovid's own words.
Dead mice and sparrowhawks were taken to Buto; the ibis found his last resting-place at Eshmunen; while the cow, the most sacred of Egyptian animals, was thrown at death into the Nile.
The Arabians assert, and the Egyptians admit, that it is on account of this service that the Egyptians hold the ibis in so much reverence.
The Ibis Amongst birds worshipped by the Egyptians, one of the most important was the ibis.
The ibis is a bird of a deep black colour, with legs like a crane; its beak is strongly hooked, and its size that of the landrail.
This is a description of the black ibis which contends with the serpents.
Thus the Ibis tantalus and Grus americanus take four years, the Flamingo several years, and the Ardea ludovicana two years, before they acquire their perfect plumage.
Ibis tantalus, age of mature plumage in; breeding in immature plumage.
The Ibis tantalus takes four years to come to full maturity, but sometimes breeds in the second year (vol.
Audubon speaks of the breeding of the immature males of Ibis tantalus as a rare event, as does Mr. Swinhoe, in regard to the immature males of Oriolus.
The wood ibis is larger than either of the other two; its general plumage is white, the tips of the wings and the tail being of a purplish-black.
Among them, the scarlet ibis and roseate spoonbill excelled all others in gorgeousness of colouring.
Ibis suspects a strain of Dutch blood dating from the seventeenth century.
They had hunted deer in the uplands, tigres in the marsh grass of the coastal land, iguanas where the palmera whined, alligator and ibis in the lagoons, wolf and bear midway up the great peak, eagles at the summit.
The Scarlet Ibis is a tropical American species, remarkable for its brilliant plumage, which is scarlet, with a few patches of glossy black.
The Straw-necked Ibis is a large Australian bird of fine plumage, remarkable for stiff, naked, yellow feather-shafts on the neck and throat.
The Glossy Ibis is a smaller species, also African, but migrating northward into continental Europe, and occasionally seen in Britain.
The tantalus or ibis of Egypt, that derives its chief food from venomous animals, depends in a like manner on the protection of antidotes.
The sanctity of these animals sometimes varied in different districts, and theibis was venerated where the serpent was disregarded.
Pushing up so as to make a triangle with my canoe, I dangled a red ibis impartially between them.
The first frog had jumped once for the fly and missed it, when the other leaped upon him savagely, and a fight began, while the ibis lay neglected on a lily pad.
Another would sit in his favorite spot, under a stranded log, and let me come as close as I would; but the moment I dangled the red ibis fly in front of him, he would disappear like a wink, and not show himself again.
But when I dangled a red ibis fly in front of him, he dived promptly, and I saw his head come up by a black root, where he sat, thinking himself invisible, and watched me.
The sacred ibis is not found in Egypt, but the buff-backed heron, the constant companion of the buffalo, is usually called an ibis.
In other cases the transitional steps are shrouded in mystery; we do not know, for example, why the ibis Thoth subsequently became the patron of the fine arts, the inventor of writing, and the scribe of the gods.
But whatever they may have worshipped in Thoth-Ibis, it was a bird, and not a hieroglyph, that the first worshippers of the ibis adored.
This connection between Thoth and theibis Mr. Le Page Renouf explains at some length as the result of an etymological confusion.
A mummied ibis "in the human form is made to represent the god Thoth".
The ibis is somewhat larger than a curlew, Numenius arquata, which bird it resembles, with a much stouter bill and stouter legs.
No attempt can here be made to treat theibis from a mythological or antiquarian point of view.
The ibis is chiefly an inhabitant of the Nile basin from Dongola southward, as well as of Kordofan and Sennar; whence about midsummer it moves northwards to Egypt.
The ibis has more than once nested in the gardens of the Zoological Society in London, and even reared its young there.
Congeneric with the typical ibis are two or three other species, the I.
It is a popular error--especially among painters--that this bird was the sacred ibis of the Egyptians.
On that day, as a courtesy to his native country, he had exchanged his Neapolitan clothes for a pink, braided jacket in the Provencal style, and a huge plume from an ibis on the Camargue fluttered on his hood.
Then there are ibis, the sacred ibis of Egypt, truly at home in this splendid sunshine and silent landscape.
The black ibisand wagtails were our constant companions in the wilds.
Once the Sibis were ruled by a king named Samgaya, who performed his royal duties in the right manner.
When you gave away that foremost of elephants, O most noble prince, wrath put the Sibis out of patience and caused them to transgress the limits of their duty.
Notwithstanding this, the Sibis persisted in their anger and said: 17, 18.
Me, wanting to honour the requests of the mendicants, if need be, with my own limbs, the Sibis believe to restrain from charity by fear!
Let all Sibis kill me or banish me, I shall not desist from charity for that reason.
Not capable of conniving at a state of things which must lead to your ruin, the Sibis have taken this resolution.
He said: 'The nature of the Sibis is fickle, and they cannot understand mine, it seems.
And when the Sibis and Samgaya, their king, heard of the Bodhisattva's performance of the greatest compassion, hard to be done by others, their hearts became soft with tenderness.
What evil action of mine, unknown to me, makes the Sibis angry with me?
The Sibis answered: 'No, Your Majesty, this will not do.
There a king of the Sibis gives up his flesh and blood in order to obtain a sûkta or well-said sentence[77].
They also saw two species ofibis wading about in the marsh, and a gigantic water-hen almost as big as a turkey.
They could see tall scarlet flamingoes on the farther shore, and smaller birds of the ibis kind.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ibis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.