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Example sentences for "iambus"

Lexicographically close words:
iajn; iam; iamais; iambic; iambics; iamque; iang; iape; iba; ibal
  1. A verse having an iambus in the fifth place, and a spondee in the sixth or last.

  2. In the iambic and trochaic metres other feet are often substituted for the iambus and the trochee, but without change of rhythm.

  3. The stated or uniform adoption of the iambus for a part of each line, and of the anapest for the residue of it, produces verse of the Composite Order.

  4. An Iambus has the first syllable unaccented, and the last accented.

  5. An iambus has but two syllables; and this author expressly teaches that "first" is "superlative.

  6. An Iambus has the first syllable unaccented, and the latter accented.

  7. In other words the two feet correspond to the schemes UU-U and U-U-U-, where a Spondee can take the place of the Anapaest after or before the Iambus respectively.

  8. It consists, technically speaking, in the substitution of a trochee for an iambus or an iambus for a trochee (the latter very rarely).

  9. In the specimen from Browning we find an iambus in the opening foot in lines 2 and 6 (also, of course, in lines 1 and 5).

  10. But others say that Torrhebus first used that mode, as Dionysius the Iambus relates.

  11. The iambus is not much in vogue among the Romans as a separate form of poetry; it is more often interspersed with other rhythms.

  12. This may be believed when we find that she makes the i of iambus long!

  13. The trochee and the dactyl are interchangeable; and the iambus and the anapest are interchangeable.

  14. As has already been said, the iambus is the common foot of English verse.

  15. An Iambus is a two-syllable foot accented on the last syllable.

  16. This may occur when the accent is upon the last syllable of the foot; that is, when the foot is an iambus or an anapest.

  17. The iambus and the trochee abound in ordinary speech, and must therefore be used in oratory with moderation: cp.

  18. Pherecratian, consisting of three feet, a trochee, spondee, or iambus in the first place, followed by a dactyl and spondee.

  19. In admitting the trochee and iambus in the first foot, Catullus follows Greek models, while Horace adheres to the stricter Roman usage, as laid down by the grammarians of his own day.

  20. The Greek poets excluded all feet except the iambus and tribrach, and in comedy the anapaest, from the even places in iambic verse.

  21. It will be convenient to remember that two of these, the iambus and the anapest, have the accent on the last syllable, and that two, the trochee and the dactyl, have the accent on the first syllable.

  22. Since both the iambus and the anapest are accented on the last syllable, they may be interchanged.

  23. The elegy and iambus contain the germ of the lyric style, though they do not themselves come under that head.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iambus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.