Mr. Blyth sums up emphatically that the humped and humpless cattle must be considered as distinct species.
The European breeds of humpless cattle are numerous.
The taurine or Ox group is divided into the Zebus, or humped domestic cattle; Taurus, humpless cattle with cylindrical horns; and Gavaeus, humpless cattle with flattened horns.
The cattle of Usongora and Unyoro are mostly all of a hornless and humpless breed, and principally of a fawn colour; while those of Ankori have immensely long horns, and their hides are of variegated hue.
They are almost equal in size to English oxen, and are of a humpless breed, very different from the species south and east of Lake Victoria.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "humpless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.