As it happened they did meet this particular skipper, and in the very hostelry to which they were bound.
By the way," said the latter, as they made their way towards a certain hostelry much favoured by naval and merchant service officers, "did you notice the Cotswold moored just off the landing stage?
It's all right," said Lawless, looking up from a letter as he and Trent sat at breakfast in a certain old-fashioned hostelry off the East Coast.
But they were only anxious to turn an honest penny by bringing us on to this lonely but extremely neat and comfortable hostelry in the hills.
Besides, some one came into the city with us, and, among other useful information, showed us a beautiful hostelry where they treated us remarkably well for our money.
At the hostelry nobody seemed surprised at the meeting, for the neighbouring mountains swarmed with large packs of the animals.
On the morning of the 12th, in fact, the mission alighted at the generalhostelry outside Bitterfeld.
Before I had fairly entered our hostelry two members of the council came to ask our deputies to forbid their people to leave the city and the promenading on the walls.
A story is told a of traveller who was in the habit of getting his servant to taste the wine at every hostelry they stopped.
One evening between Nuremberg and Augsburg chance made me alight at the hostelry where Lazarus von Schwendi was putting up.
The "Swan" was an important hostelry in the days when Thames Ditton was more in fashion than it happily is now; and it still divides the honours of the spot with Boyle Farm on the opposite side of the road.
His political ideas take that turn, he observes, and the visitor to Henry's hostelry may hear some of the verses repeated if he should be so minded as to listen to them.
There is a hostelry with the curious sign of "The Four Alls," where one may find such entertainment as few villages in England can provide, and sit in rooms over the decoration of which an obviously æsthetic taste has presided.
XII From the shelter of the little French hostelry in University Place, Diane wrote, on the following morning, to Miss Lucilla van Tromp, telling her as briefly and discreetly as possible what had occurred.
Our hostelry is in the pretty village of Dixcard, a few scattered houses forming the ville of Le Vorsque, the chief rendezvous of the Serque islet, nearly in its centre.
The associations of the people naturally gave to the principal hostelry of the place a similar name to that which it has ever since borne.
Alighting at the principal hostelry of the place, he turned to the gentlemen who followed, saying, "Here we must wait for the first news that to-morrow may bring.
A famous hostelry the Dabney House had been in its day, the chosen foregathering-place of notabilities now long dusted to the common level.
Not in forty years had the ancient hostelry so resounded with the steps of the best people.
The portion of this old hostelry still remaining dates much further back than the period of Charles II.
Reasons of the pole could the master of the hostelry give me none; but bade me read the 'great' Chronicles, for there he heard of it.
After a night at John Chamberlain's famous hostelry one felt that one never wanted to go to bed.
Well, the hostelry is torn down, the landlord has paid his rent and sought a perpetual abode.
In the evening of the following day, after a night spent in Tientsin, I reached the capital, and was glad to exchange the discomfort of a monotonous railway journey for the luxury of that excellent Peking hostelry the "Hôtel des Wagons Lits.
Good quarters were provided for us in a hostelry which was quite new and therefore comparatively clean.
For he never could pass any hostelry of a cool and respectable aspect, with a tree and a trough in front of it, but that he would offer a genial glance from the corner of one blinker, and make a short step, and show a readiness to parley.
Then he fastened the Duchess to a stump, and stiffly made his way towards that snug little hostelry the Blue Anchor, favoured by most of our waterside folk.
Truly a man may be known by the hostelry he chooseth," remarked Timothy Trollope as he saw the woman's skirts disappear behind the door-post.
At this time Captain Borrow and his family went to lodge at the Crown and Angel, an ancient hostelry in St. Stephen's Street.
The Bowling Green Hotel in its heyday was a place of much importance; for being so close to the theatre, it was the chosen hostelry for many great theatrical stars--Mrs. Charles Kean and others.
But Oliver stuck to his boot-varnish, and permitted himself to be driven from hostelry to hostelry rather than abandon it.
That famous hostelry has gone by the board this many a day.
Old Noll has too much to do abroad, to heed a few noisy troopers in an obscure hostelry in the Isle of Shepey.
The Oliver's Head" was a gay hostelry by the road-side, with what was called in those days a portraiture of the Protector swinging from a post which stood on the slip of turf that skirted the house.
She reached the Gull's Nest without any misadventure, and now her object was to draw Robin forth from the hostelry without entering herself.
Without further ceremony, he was again confined, in a small cupboard-like cavity, close to the hostelry of the Gull's Nest.
Few towns are without a hostelry outside the gates for the convenience of knights of the road or those who would avoid the dues, and Chateauroux proved no exception to this rule.
With such thoughts in my breast I turned the corner of the Rue de St. Denys and came at once upon the Bleeding Heart, a small but decent-looking hostelry situate near the end of the street and opposite a church.
The Hostelryof Mr. Smith I don't know whether you know Mariposa.
They played games, shot with bows and arrows, and looked on at stag-hunts from the balcony of the Swan, an old hostelry in the market-place.
She had, it appears, seen a very handsome white horse in the hostelry of the Fountain in Pavia, and was seized with a passionate desire to have the palfrey for her own use.
The vast old hostelry is enormously strong and massive, and covers an immense area.
I returned, for I had immediately recognized, in this meek servitor, my old acquaintance of the hostelry over against Baynards Castle.