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Example sentences for "horseless"

Lexicographically close words:
horseflies; horsehair; horsehide; horsehoofs; horsekeeper; horseman; horsemanship; horsemen; horseplay; horsepower
  1. The guests, who in the morning had been unable to find seats on the "horseless carriages," and so had journeyed by special train or by coach, in the end had much to congratulate themselves upon.

  2. But it was not until the close of 1896 that the real horseless era began to dawn.

  3. I just got to get out again where you can feel the wind blow and see a hundred miles and don't have to dodge horseless horse-cars every minute.

  4. I know just what he'd do all his spare time; he'd set down to that new-fangled horseless piano and play it to death.

  5. They were met with a hail of machine-gun and rifle fire and a shower of bombs, but nothing could stop those horseless horsemen.

  6. At the main station, Cairo, crowds of soldiers assembled to cheer the horseless horsemen.

  7. As far back as the sixteenth century a horseless carriage was invented (Fig.

  8. In recent years, however, they have been working on the so-called automobile and they have already given us a horseless carriage that can run on a railless road at a rate as great as that of the fastest railroad locomotives.

  9. Later he proscribed the horseless carriage as an impracticable toy.

  10. Then Sharon spoke of rumours that the new horseless carriage would soon do away with horses.

  11. Linotypes to spoil typesetting by hand, and now horseless carriages to stop driving horses!

  12. The idea of the horseless carriage is a matter that has long been in the minds of inventors.

  13. Not all of his inventions were toys, for among other things he constructed a horseless carriage which was run by a crank and pumping device, by the occupants.

  14. And now we have automobiles, or horseless carriages, run by gasoline, naphtha, or electric motors.

  15. We may pedal our bicycles or ride in horseless carriages.

  16. There stood a lonely brougham, horseless with upturned shafts.

  17. China, which, like Egypt, seems to have known and buried many ideas centuries before the rest of the world achieved them, had horseless vehicles before 1600.

  18. When he saw the horseless car go forth with only a man inside, And he sat and planned what rupees he would reap When the magic failed or went to sleep.

  19. But what of the poor old bhisti's, whose work had been so far To water with their musick the track of the horseless car?

  20. The Paches' horseless carriage was proceeding through the park at a pace which two of the five sitting in it felt to be, if delightful, then rather dangerous.

  21. The report of the Parliamentary Commission on horseless carriages was most favourable.

  22. As early as 1899 the horseless carriage was rapidly striding into popularity.

  23. The competitors that drove the horse from its field of labor were the electric and compressed air horseless vehicles.

  24. The difficulty has been met by the invention of this horseless engine, which will throw a two-inch stream of water over 300 feet into the air.

  25. A monster steam fire-engine is being built for the city of Boston, and it is to be a horseless engine.

  26. I had to work from the ground up--that is, although I knew that a number of people were working on horseless carriages, I could not know what they were doing.

  27. At first the "horseless carriage" was considered merely a freak notion and many wise people explained with particularity why it could never be more than a toy.

  28. But I did not give up the idea of a horseless carriage.

  29. And anyway, the public was more interested in being carried than in being pulled; the horseless carriage made a greater appeal to the imagination.

  30. We have no word in the English language brave enough to ride on a horseless wagon when it goes real fast.

  31. A horseless idea which makes people go fast and the money go faster.

  32. A coach rumbling along brought them to their windows, just as the horseless carriage, centuries later, proved a similar attraction.

  33. I'm going to own a horseless carriage, and I'm going to tour every state in the Union.

  34. She's the one that would ride in that horseless carriage when I got it!

  35. Son, let me tell you, I'll own a horseless carriage some day, and I bet I go an average of twenty miles an hour with it, maybe forty.

  36. We got definite orders to march to Pretoria, the sick and horseless men having left by rail the previous day in trucks drawn by bullocks, till they could get on a more unbroken line.

  37. Aided by trains of horseless carriages, there will be developed between the centers along this highway, a new system of transportation, distribution, commerce and exchange.

  38. Evidently she decided not to defend her father's faith in horseless carriages, for she laughed, and said nothing.

  39. No, I can't say I think he's a swindler, and I doubt if he needs anybody else's money to back his horseless carriage.

  40. Your father wanted to prove that his horseless carriage would run, even in the snow," she said.

  41. Just lately," said Lucy, "he's been working on a new kind of horseless carriage.

  42. He will soon begin to build his factory here for the manufacture of automobiles, which he says is a term he prefers to "horseless carriages.

  43. Horseless carriages are pretty much a failure, and your father better not waste his time on 'em.

  44. I suppose your father thinks he can build a horseless carriage to go that fast!

  45. I was convinced upon this return trip that there was a future for the “horseless carriage,” although I did not at that time expect it to be so brilliant and imposing.

  46. Has your horseless cauliflower bloomed as yet?

  47. Horseless cauliflower is good, but tautological," said the Idiot.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "horseless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.