In the North Hill there are some masses of true diorite, but their relation to the hornblendic gneisses with which they are associated has not been clearly established.
The rock is a hornblendic granite, the constituents being quartz, felspar, biotite, hornblende and titanite, with magnetite and a little apatite.
A mass of beautiful hornblendic granite rises through the Trias immediately to the east of Charnwood Forest at Mount Sorrel, near Barrow on Soar.
In the large quarry of Steinhag, from which I first obtained the Eozoon, the enclosing rock is a grey hornblendic gneiss, which sometimes passes into a hornblende-slate.
Some of these hornblendic masses may really have been volcanic rocks, which have since assumed a more crystalline or metamorphic texture.
Hornblendic and micaceous schists are often interstratified, and beds of limestone, usually crystalline.
It was also remarked that in the crystalline slags of furnaces augitic forms were frequent, the hornblendic entirely absent; hence it was conjectured that hornblende might be the result of slow, and augite of rapid cooling.
The oldest stratified rock of Scotland is the hornblendic gneiss of Lewis, in the Hebrides, and that of the north-west coast of Ross-shire, represented at the base of the section given at Figure 82.
Gold once found amid decomposed hornblendic granite, in alluvial drifts in company with water-worn quartz, has never failed to demonstrate itself in wondrous wealth.
But your men, in digging holes yesterday for the posts of that new hut, dislodged fragments of hornblendic granite slightly decomposed and showing minute particles of gold.
The primitive formations of Labrador and Hudson's Bay coasts come up, so as to form the eastern and northern sides of the rim, around which they stand in cliffs of sienitic greenstone and hornblendic rocks, in some places a thousand feet high.
The hornblendic cement, with its iron or manganese base, produces the variegated appearance which may be seen in specimens from different localities.
Hornblende sometimes takes the place of the mica, and it is then called hornblendic or syenitic gneiss.
The common kinds are mica schist, and hornblendic schist, consisting chiefly of quartz with mica or hornblende and often feldspar.
It was also remarked, that in the crystalline slags of furnaces, augitic forms were frequent, the hornblendic entirely absent; hence it was conjectured that hornblende might be the result of slow, and augite of rapid cooling.
In the latter case, of course, it becomes a hornblendic gneiss.
Like syenite, diorite usually contains hornblende, often in large proportion, forming hornblendic diorite, which sometimes passes into rocks composed entirely of hornblende.
The addition to these essential constituents of mica, gives micaceous gneiss; and of hornblende, hornblendic gneiss.
Syenite in its simplest variety contains nothing but orthoclase; but in addition we usually have either hornblende, forming hornblendic syenite, or mica, forming micaceous syenite.
Near Coquimbo there is much hornblendic rock and various dusky-coloured porphyries.
In this case and at Rat Island, the passage of the gneiss into imperfect hornblendic or into chloritic slate, seemed to be connected with the segregation of the veins of quartz.
At Bahia, in Brazil, we have seen that a true injected hornblendic dike, not only has suffered metamorphosis, but has been dislocated and even diffused in the surrounding gneiss, under the form of separate crystals and of fragments.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hornblendic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.