But ance ye ken yer duty, ye may weel tak example by him hoo to carry 't oot.
It was the heid that cam' ahin' 't, and kentna hoo to haud it aff o' the stanes.
I wonner hoo auld Marget is," he said to his wife the moment he reached home.
I canna think hoo he cam' to fa' sae sair; for they say there's a special Providence watches ower drunk men and bairns.
I wish he wad, for he kens better nor me hoo to set aboot the job.
And hoo cam' 't that ye didna tak' it and pit it i' yer ain kist?
But hoo do you expect such a service as that frae the like o' me?
See hoo the devils run wi' their burning brands, forkin them into thae pits, whar lie craturs in the same condition wi' mysel!
Oh, hoo gratefu I am to thae glass-blawers, wha hae blawn awa my crimes, and converted and reformed me!
I have had a very affectionate letter from Lady Dacre, asking me to go down to the Hoo and stay some time with them, which I will do between some of my coming engagements.
When I wrote this letter young Mr. and Mrs. Brand lived a good deal at theHoo with my kind old friends.