On the ground, in crevices under rocks, the hollow being well lined with down; also said to nest in hollow trees; their 5 to 8 eggs are greenish-buff and measure 2.
Usually lined with down, in cavities of hollow trees; the 6 to 15 eggs are pure white (2.
Their two eggs are laid upon the ground, between rocks, under logs, or in hollow trees; they are whitish, handsomely blotched with brown.
Like the Wood Duck, they nest in hollow trees, often at some distance from water, and, as soon as the young appear, help them to the ground and lead them to the water.
Wild Cattel, and wild Honey in great plenty in the Woods; it lyes in holes or hollow Trees, free for any that will take the pains to get it.
They build in hollow Trees; and their honey somewhat tarrish: and they make such small quantities of it, that the people little regard it.
They build in hollow Trees, or hollow holes in the ground, which the Vaeo's have made.
These usually live in hollow Trees or rotten Wood, and will sting most terribly.
In unsettled districts these swallows nest in hollow trees, hence their name; but with that laziness that forms a part of the degeneracy of civilization, they now gladly accept the boxes about men's homes set up for the martins.
Here they become remarkably unsuspicious, nesting and roosting in hollow trees, and even venturing into barns and out-buildings to spend the night.
They are never known to construct homes for themselves, but make use of hollow trees, Wookpeckers' holes, and often the old and forsaken nests of the common Crow and the Gray Squirrel.
To be sure there are localities where breeding is still carried on in hollow trees as of yore, but such places are now but occasionally occupied in the older parts of the country, and merely for roosting purposes.
In the course of events they are obliged to forsake the family-roof, and to seek quarters in hollow trees, the gloomy recesses of dense forests, or the dark corners of out-buildings.
It builds its habitation in hollow trees, and in burrows, which it excavates in the banks of rivers or streams, and its young (generally twins) are produced in early spring.
The skunk is generally nocturnal in its habits, secreting itself during the day in hollow trees, or crevices in rocks, or wood-piles.
The hut in which they are stored is nearly always kept guarded, and, where this is impracticable, the skins are hid in hollow trees, or carried to some near settlement, as we have already mentioned.
Some species lay their eggs--which are about an inch and a half in length, and oblong--in hollow trees.
Others, again, form them in hollow trees, or among their roots in the earth.
This is pounded, and mixed with an intoxicating liquor, called caxiri, in vats made out of hollow trees.
In this it hibernates, just as bats do in hollow trees, only waking up now and then for an hour or two on very mild days, and often passing three or four months without taking food.
Their eyes cannot bear the bright sunlight; so all day long they sleep in hollow trees.
They eat a great deal of food toward the end of summer, and become exceedingly fat, and then retire to hollow trees or caves and fall asleep for several months, during which they live on their own fat.
They mostly live either in hollow trees, or in crevices among the rocks, where they bring up their litters of little ones.
The bandicoot is about four times he size of a rat, without a tail, and burrows in the ground or in hollow trees.
Supposed to be in hollow trees, where they lay from three to five white eggs (1.
Of grass, lined with feathers, in hollow trees on the border of water or in orchards, or in bird boxes erected for their use; eggs white (.
Originally they dwelt in hollow trees, and some do yet, but the majority have recognized the superiority of man's dwelling and now live in houses built especially for them or in cornices of houses or barns.
Many of them also secrete themselves in hollow trees or beneath loose bark or in board piles or stone walls.
Yet many of our most beautiful species habitually hibernate as adults, finding shelter in such situations as hollow trees, the crevices in rocks, the openings beneath loose bark or even the outer bark on the under side of a large branch.
The terrestrial species are nocturnal in their habits, sleeping during the day in hollow trees, and coming forth at night to prey on birds in their roosting places.
The land molluscs of the district are the only animals which aestivate; they are found in clusters, Bulimi and Helices, concealed in hollow trees, the mouths of their shells closed by a film of mucus.
They sleep all day long in hollow trees, and come forth to prey on insects and eat fruits only in the night.
The North American flying squirrel (Sciuropterus volucella) and its ally Pteromys inornatus are believed to hibernate in hollow trees.
They either bury themselves in the soil or under the snow or seek the shelter of hollow trees or of caves, not infrequently congregating in the same spot so that the temperature is kept up by corporeal contact.
The nest is always placed low down, in the thickest bushes, in hollow trees, holes, and crevices.
The Woodpecker, which lives in hollow trees, shows us how to build an artificial nest.
It builds its nest in hollow trees, in the clefts of banks and of old masonry, and in towns between the ornamental parts of buildings.
In cold and temperate climates snakes hibernate, lying more or less torpid in holes or hollow trees, sometimes assembled in numbers and coiled together in a mass.
For hibernation, hollow trees, fissures in rocks, holes in the ground or in railway embankments, are selected, and numerous individuals sometimes congregate in the same retreat.
The eggs are laid towards the end of June or in July, in holes in walls or hollow trees, under moss, sometimes even in the dung-heaps of farms, and hatch in September.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hollow trees" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.