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Example sentences for "her tone"

  • Soolsby drew himself up a little, nettled at her tone.

  • There was something in her tone, a meaning, he had never heard before.

  • He caught the faint cool sarcasm in her tone, and smiled unconsciously at her last words.

  • Teaching seems to me the most delightful work in the world," said Mrs. Garth, with a touch of rebuke in her tone.

  • All right," she said, but with a notable absence of conviction in her tone.

  • Although there was no hint of protest in her tone or manner, he felt impelled to soften still further this solitary demonstration of his authority.

  • She's very nice," the mother answered, with vague extenuation in her tone.

  • I wish the Sandhurst people would have a good long look at him, then," put in the mother with earnestness underlying the jest of her tone.

  • Her tone added, "You have compelled him to do so against his will.

  • Her tone held a contemptuous impatience that braced me as nothing else could.

  • Her tone seemed to signify more to the man than her colorless words.

  • Her words, her tone, the quaver of desperate sincerity in her accent, brought her mother up short.

  • There was a rare nervousness in her tone.

  • Maggie exclaimed, trying to feel the anger which she imparted to her tone.

  • There was just a trace of the one expression he had never before seen in her face--fear--lurking in her eyes, even asserting itself in her tone.

  • For this," she repeated as, under the influence of her tone, the Prince had already come to a pause.

  • More perhaps than ever in her life before Maggie addressed her father at this moment with a shade of the absolute in her tone.

  • I am sure you meant no harm," said Edith, with real kindness now in her tone.

  • Since you have permitted Zell to leave school, I suppose she must make her debut soon," said Mrs. Allen with more animation than usual in her tone.

  • She said this, still standing, not without something more than vehemence in her tone.

  • There was a keenness of reproach in her tone as she spoke which even he could not but feel and acknowledge.

  • There was something in her tone as she said this which well filled him with pity.

  • There was an emphasis in her tone, a meaning glance in her eye, that brought the conscious blood to the girl's cheek.

  • Her tone of resolute, conviction seemed to bring conviction even to him.

  • Those were the first words she spoke; her tone cold, her glance unsympathetic.

  • It was the hint of reproach in her tone to which the man in him instantly responded.

  • If something were revealed to him by her tone, he did not betray it, but went on cheerfully.

  • Her tone, her gesture of anxiety he found vaguely disquieting.

  • Something in her tone surprised, a little chilled, him.

  • Her voice fell, the fire went out of her tone.

  • Miss Toland said, trying to keep the acute distress she felt out of her tone.

  • The beseeching in her tone surprised Mr. Evringham still more.

  • There was no mistaking the joy in her tone.

  • I do not know," the Wanderer answered, trying to seem to ignore the meaning conveyed by her tone.

  • There was a little bitterness in her tone, intentional, but masterly in its truth to nature.

  • She could not help a sort of cold defiance that sounded in her tone as she pronounced the only name she could call hers.

  • There was a bitterness in her tone of which he had not believed her soft voice capable.

  • I will say no more," she declared, with a sudden note of dignity in her tone.

  • When she spoke, there was a certain reserve in her tone.

  • Here is your good friend, Colonel Mostyn Ray," she remarked, with a note of banter in her tone.

  • Well, maybe so," she said, but there was no conviction in her tone.

  • She answered, with iciness in her tone: "I could not undertake to dictate to my host in such a matter.

  • She drew back, and there was a quiet hauteur in her tone as she spoke.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "her tone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    calico printing; her arm; her arrival; her beautiful; her brow; her eye; her eyes; her gown; her heart would break; her left; her memory; her nature; her return; her self; her shoulders; her sisters; her soul; her tone; her turn; her very; her work; here are; hereby ordered; hereditary descent; mental power; why hast thou forsaken