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Example sentences for "her sisters"

  • Then the splendour in which she lived excited the jealousy of her sisters, and they persuaded her that her visitor was really the monster who would deceive her and devour her.

  • He asked her at the same time if she had thought of sending any New Year's presents to her sisters, the Archduchesses.

  • No one of her sisters-in-law was as intimate with her as was the Duchess of Montebello.

  • As she wanted to make some presents to her sisters, and these cost twenty-five thousand francs, she saw that only fifteen thousand francs would be left of her December allowance.

  • Her life, externally ordinary, was interiorly divine, so that she was deservedly looked on by her Sisters as a living rule.

  • If sometimes compelled to yield to exhaustion and pain, she received the attention of her Sisters with so much humility and gratitude, that all felt it a happiness to render her any service.

  • As she had been the first of her sisters to enter the Carmel, so she was the first to penetrate the mysteries of love hidden in the Face of Our Divine Spouse.

  • Instead of handing it over to any of her sisters to read, she left the room with it in her hand.

  • It is so dreadful to have to live, whether you like it or not,' said Clare, in that little burst of confidence she sometimes showed to strangers, though never to her sisters.

  • Clare went into raptures about her, when talking to her sisters afterwards.

  • For one anxious half day it seemed that there might be no presentation, for Sarah disappeared completely after saying good by to Bony; and diligent search on the part of her sisters failed to produce her.

  • She tended strictly to her interests and felt small concern in the affairs of her sisters.

  • She added, with a smile thrown to her sisters, without looking at them, "I dare say, she will know who I am.

  • But while Arabella was attempting to give a definite version of the interview to her sisters, a message came requesting Adela to descend.

  • All this was new vexation to poor Cinderella, for it was she who ironed and plaited her sisters' linen.

  • Little Two Eyes lived for a long time in great happiness; but she heard nothing of her sisters, till one day two poor women came to the castle, to beg for alms.

  • If you had been at the ball," said one of her sisters, "let me tell you, you would not have been sleepy.

  • When two women, her sisters or others, quarrelled, they only shrilled, and went on and on shrilling.

  • In the quarrels of her sisters, one or the other invariably cried if the bickering went far enough.

  • Rosalie used formerly to sleep in Hilda's room and Flora with Anna, but she was changed one day by her sisters (without being consulted or given any reason) and the new arrangement was continued.

  • They did these fearful things, and these fearful things were much more satisfactory to behold, not nearly so disturbing and aggravating to watch, as the interminable bickerings of the quarrels of her sisters.

  • And, pausing to look back at her sisters: "If any Johnny asks me to-night I'll go!

  • One after another the four gentlemen came over to speak to Athalie and to her sisters.

  • As for loneliness, she had, of course, her sisters.

  • Also she wrote letters to her sisters, long since wedded to husbands, babies, and homes in the West.

  • She felt herself almost as much as ever the guardian of her sisters, and the old sensitive nerve was set quivering.

  • May it not be that he with his clearer thought, his wider knowledge of life, has laid his finger on the weak point in her guardianship of her sisters?

  • The immobile countenances of her sisters, reflecting stubborn resentment and antagonism, were without effect upon her.

  • Her sisters, huddled by the center table, struggled against their impotence to seize the situation.

  • She indicated with a gesture the domiciles of her sisters.

  • She let fall a question here and there that was presumably directed to one or the other of her sisters, but their faint, reluctant answers apparently did not disturb her.

  • She saw very little of her sisters, and as for Sanchia--the thing was not to be heard of, not even mentioned to Sir George.

  • Senhouse came back to her bedside and put a little flower into her hand [Illustration: Wrote deliberately to each of her sisters.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "her sisters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    direct knowledge; her and; her brain; her cheek; her cheeks; her children; her country; her duty; her ears; her gown; her maid; her master; her own; her pocket; her thoughts; her time; her way; her youth; here represented; here taken; hereby amended; hereby declared; hereunto affixed; herself again; milk and; much mischief