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Example sentences for "heedeth"

Lexicographically close words:
heeard; heed; heede; heeded; heedest; heedful; heedfully; heedfulness; heeding; heedless
  1. But Regin the wise craftsmaster heedeth the youngling well, And before the Kings he cometh, and saith such words to tell.

  2. But I speak in vain, for he goeth away and heedeth me not.

  3. For to you, shameless though he be, he must needs pay some reverence; but me he heedeth not at all.

  4. Then Nisus falls amidst of them, and Volscens seeks alone For aught that any man may do: save him he heedeth none.

  5. When the Word of God is revealed unto all created things whoso then giveth ear and heedeth the Call is, indeed, reckoned among the most distinguished souls, though he be a carrier of ashes.

  6. Happy is the man who hearkeneth and heedeth and woe betide him who hath erred and doubted.

  7. I heard men saying, Leave tears and praying, The sharp knife heedeth not the sheep; Are we not stronger than the rich and the wronger, When day breaks over dreams and sleep?

  8. He that dwelleth mainly by himself, heedeth most of others, But they that live in crowds, think chiefly of themselves.

  9. Disrobed of power Ceaseless they wander and He heedeth not.

  10. But how much less to Him The fountain of all power, who heedeth not Earth's vain distinctions, nor regards the rich More than the poor, for all alike are dust And ashes in His sight.

  11. And I will write a letter for thee to give to the lord of Utterbol, which he will heed, if he heedeth aught my good-will or enmity.

  12. And why should I heed thee when nought heedeth me, neither the Saints of God's House, nor the Master of it; nor the father and the mother that were once so piteous kind to me?

  13. Bull shook his head, and said: "It may be: or it may be that he hath already sold her to one who heedeth not treasure so much as fair flesh; and fair is hers beyond most.

  14. Whoso giveth ear, to him shall these words be as riches; To him who heedeth them not, to the same shall come emptiness forever.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heedeth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.