Then he said, "Why, I never think of you like I do the rest o' the boys, though I rely on you a heap more.
I was beginnin' to see that the' was a heap more in a college edication than I'd ever supposed.
They say that a man that crosses Broadway for a year can be mayor of Boston, but my idee is that he's a heap more likely to be mayor of the New Jerusalem.
It'll take a heap of time and a heap more nerve to do it.
He'll be worth it, and a heap more, to me, herding and such.
If the pay is enough for your keep, why do you need such a heap more to get along?
Your mother'd be a heap more scared to see you coming back looking like a death's head, than to hear that you were comfortably located with a friend till you pulled round.
I don't know how it is, but I think a heap more of you nor I do of him," she confessed candidly.
If you'd cultivate the habit of lettin' every gent go a-foot till he can buy a hoss, you'd clean up for a heap more at the end of the week.
Manners is a heap more inex'rable in Texas than other places.
He's different from us ordinary folks, as you can see; but in some things he knows a heap more.
I reckon your ol' maw knows a heap more'n you think.
God bless you, Mr. Richard; bless you any way, but a heap more if you give Miggie up.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heap more" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.