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Example sentences for "hardy annual"

  • What may be a tender annual in Massachusetts may be a hardy annual or even a perennial in Louisiana.

  • If you do not like the bare earth between them, sow in the seeds of hardy annual flowers, like phlox, petunia, alyssum, and pinks.

  • It is a half-hardy annual, thriving either in the open or under glass.

  • The most satisfactory mode of cultivation is that of a half-hardy annual.

  • Half-hardy annual== In high summer so many flowers are available that no difficulty arises in making a varied display.

  • A hardy annual, indigenous to Great Britain, France, and other countries of Europe.

  • The Radish is a hardy annual plant, originally from China.

  • It is a hardy annual, about eighteen inches high.

  • Spinach is a hardy annual, of Asiatic origin.

  • A pretty and free-blooming half-hardy annual, which produces fine spikes of orange-scarlet flowers in June.

  • A hardy annual that is very pretty when in flower; suitable for borders.

  • It is a hardy annual, and is largely used for bouquets.

  • Perennial; but treated as a hardy annual.

  • A half-hardy annual, used as a border plant, for ribbon bedding for mass effect, or in mixed beds of geranium, coleuses and other plants.

  • Low perennial, poppy-like plant, grown as a hardy annual.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hardy annual" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    among savages; calcined magnesia; closely allied; gave way; greased pans; great majority; hand column; hardy annual; hardy annuals; hardy perennial; him the; honor and; inferior kind; little man; mes enfants; mixed together; open secret; perpetual snow; serious injury; she protested; tender heart; well bred; will mark; younger days