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Example sentences for "happinesse"

Lexicographically close words:
happilie; happily; happin; happines; happiness; happinesses; happit; happuch; happy; haps
  1. His death is lamented by all good men that had the happinesse to knowe him; and a great number of ingeniose persons attended him to his grave.

  2. Hath ever any man to'himselfe assign'd This or that happinesse to'arrest his minde, But that another man which takes a worse, 415 Thinks him a foole for having tane that course?

  3. All happinesse vnto my Lord the King: Pardon, my Liege, that I haue stay'd so long Suff.

  4. Health, and all happinesse to my Lord the King Yor.

  5. But Harry liues, that shall conuert those Teares By number, into houres of Happinesse Iohn, &c.

  6. More health and happinesse betide my Liege, Then can my care-tun'd tongue deliuer him Rich.

  7. Health to my Soueraigne, and new happinesse Added to that, that I am to deliuer.

  8. And thanke you to: for societie (saith the text) is the happinesse of life Peda.

  9. Especially, hee hath incurred the euerlasting displeasure of the King, who had euen tun'd his bounty to sing happinesse to him.

  10. All daies of glory, ioy, and happinesse Pan.

  11. Might we but haue that happinesse my Lord, that you would once vse our hearts, whereby we might expresse some part of our zeales, we should thinke our selues for euer perfect Timon.

  12. Would all were well, but that will neuer be, I feare our happinesse is at the height.

  13. I am not sorry neither, Il'd haue thee liue: For in my sense, 'tis happinesse to die Lod.

  14. All happinesse bechance to thee in Millaine Val.

  15. Neuer came trouble to my house in the likenes of your Grace: for trouble being gone, comfort should remaine: but when you depart from me, sorrow abides, and happinesse takes his leaue Pedro.

  16. As for those workes of Mæslin and Keplar wherein they doe more expresly treate of this opinion, I have not yet had the happinesse to see them.

  17. Thus humbly desiring God to giue thee all comfort in this life, and happinesse in the life to come, I leue thee and thine to his most gracious protection.

  18. In the troublesome times 'twas his happinesse never to bee sequestred.

  19. If the nearnesse of our last necessity, brought a nearer conformity unto it, there were a happinesse in hoary hairs, and no calamity in half senses.

  20. This manumised Woman being aduaunced through Fortune's benefit, was esteemed for the chiefe Lady of Asia, not without great happinesse succeeding in al hir affayres.

  21. Nay is not he of happinesse bereau'd, That neuer saw her face nor heard her voyce, And those that win our loue, most regards me, Confesse that we are godlike in our choice.

  22. The opinion of the Happinesse of another, can onely be expressed by words.

  23. Ralfe Lane one of her Majesties Esquiers, and Gouernour of the Colony in Virginia, aboue mentioned, for the time there resident, to the gentle Reader wisheth all happinesse in the Lord.

  24. To the Worshipful and my very friend Master Richard Hakluyt, much happinesse in the Lord.

  25. Should these rarities (Faithlesse as are your wondrous promises) Lead me into the hazard of my soule And losse of such ay-lasting happinesse As all earths glories are but shaddows to?

  26. Let us descend to meet a happinesse Crownes all our expectations.

  27. You talke wildlie; I wou'd you saw your Errour that place all Your happinesse upon such course delights.

  28. The holy lights Smil'd with a cheerfull lustre on our rites, And every thing presag'd full happinesse To mutuall love; if you'le the omen blesse.

  29. For his happinesse is not meteor-like exhaled from the vapors of this world; but shines a fixt starre, which when by misfortune it appeares to fall, onely casts away the slimie matter.

  30. Parents lawes must beare no weight When they happinesse prevent.

  31. She shall be to the happinesse of England, An aged Princesse; many dayes shall see her, And yet no day without a deed to Crowne it.

  32. During that time we had the happinesse to see very faire countryes.

  33. The time was not yett com'd to acknowledge the happinesse we received from such incompareable hosts.

  34. And if thy poore deuoted Seruant may But beg one fauour at thy gracious hand, Thou dost confirme his happinesse for euer An.

  35. A deere happinesse to women, they would else haue beene troubled with a pernitious Suter, I thanke God and my cold blood, I am of your humour for that, I had rather heare my Dog barke at a Crow, than a man sweare he loues me Bene.

  36. A Song expressing their happinesse who have Communion with Christ.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "happinesse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.