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Example sentences for "haemorrhagic"

Lexicographically close words:
haematite; haemin; haemoglobin; haemorrhage; haemorrhages; haemorrhoidal; haemorrhoids; haen; haena; haer
  1. Dr Todd says, that in all cases of internal haemorrhage, or haemorrhagic tendency, it is the best astringent or styptic we possess.

  2. In haemorrhagic and other discharges, piles, &c.

  3. The haemorrhagic form, of which the queen died, was rare.

  4. Harris took the middle course of diagnosing "smallpox and measles mingled," a name by which the form that we now call haemorrhagic smallpox had been known from the early part of the seventeenth century.

  5. Only one person survived of all who had that haemorrhagic type.

  6. For fifteen years after the year of Queen Mary's death by haemorrhagic smallpox, there was comparatively little of the disease in London.

  7. The haemorrhagic diathesis, often accompanied by rheumatism, has been known to affect the males alone during five generations, being transmitted, however, through the females.

  8. In animals the appearances of haemorrhagic gastro-enteritis, with diffuse nephritis, haemorrhages in the mesentery and so forth have been found.

  9. The name of "haemorrhagic form" may be given to that in which haemorrhage is the predominant feature, and the "nervous" to that in which the brain and spinal cord are from the first affected.

  10. In many of its phases the haemorrhagic form resembles scurvy, and, as in scurvy, there are spots of purpura all over the body.

  11. Premising that the common form is a blending of irritant, nervous, and haemorrhagic symptoms, I adopt here in part Tardieu's division.

  12. In the nervous system= no change has been remarked, save occasionally haemorrhagic points and extravasations.

  13. There were haemorrhagic patches in the stomach, and signs of catarrhal inflammation; there was also a similarly inflamed condition of the duodenum.

  14. He says: "This plant was held to be an anti-haemorrhagic medicine by the ancients.

  15. She became reduced in flesh and the haemorrhagic drugs became reduced in number, until like the nine little Indians sitting on a gate the last one tumbled off and then there was none.

  16. I had given all the haemorrhagic remedies I knew of or could hear of.

  17. In a case of passive haemorrhage from the lungs, after Arnica was used with little benefit, Acalypha benefited, and then failed; after which the use of Arnica entirely stayed the haemorrhagic flow.

  18. Large haemorrhagic surfaces were thus formed in a comparatively short time.

  19. This leads the writer on to the discussion of this singular haemorrhagic process principally characteristic of viperine poisoning, and only very exceptionally produced by the poison of colubrines.

  20. It does not seem to be impaired in power while in the blood, as is the case with Sulphuric acid; and is therefore applicable in all haemorrhagic cases.

  21. These two compounds, and the vegetable substances that contain them, are used in diarrh[oe]a, and in all haemorrhagic cases.

  22. The eruption had "come out full and kindly" at the beginning, so that it was not the ordinary haemorrhagic type.

  23. Haematemesis accompanies gastric ulcer, cancer, chronic congestion with haemorrhagic erosion, congestion of the liver, or may follow violent acts of vomiting.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "haemorrhagic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.