Acalypha was worthy of trial in all pathological haemorrhages from any source, providing the morning aggravation was present, that fixed my attention upon the drug especially.
The mistletoe moreover stands in a peculiarly close relation to the female sexual system (uterus), and especially to the climacteric period, when women cease to menstruate and chronic or periodical haemorrhages are often met with.
Worthy of trial in all pathological haemorrhages having notedly a morning exacerbation.
Most of these cases are to be explained as disturbance or loss of function from small haemorrhagesin the nervous substance.
In animals the appearances of haemorrhagic gastro-enteritis, with diffuse nephritis, haemorrhages in the mesentery and so forth have been found.
There were also small haemorrhages in the lungs, which were ascribed to the action of the acid on the blood.
The haemorrhages are often punctiform, but occasionally larger, arranged in rows on the summits of the rugae; sometimes there is considerable bleeding.
This was a great step gained: the apoplexies, heart diseases, perforations of the stomach, and fatal internal haemorrhages could no longer be ascribed to poison.
The blood-vessels of old people do not stand the pressure, hence haemorrhages in the lungs, stomach, and other organs.
If the convulsions have been violent, there may be minute haemorrhages in the brain and other parts.
The nitrate or acetate, when given by the mouth, produces gastro-enteritis and nephritis, with haemorrhages in the substance of the kidney.
The Haemorrhages did not prove critical, but seemed to depend on a dissolved State of the Blood.
But I understood you to say that this plaintiff had had, in addition, haemorrhages of the brain.
Do you mean to tell us that he could have had haemorrhages of the brain and be alive to-day?
Haemorrhages also happen sometimes and are mortal, being almost unexceptionably such in this Fever.
Aromatic, bitter, stimulant, and reputed haemostatic; in internal haemorrhages and mucous discharges.
In medicine they are used as an astringent, in haemorrhages and fluxes, in doses of 10 to 20 gr.
Indian ink is chiefly employed by artists, but it has been occasionally given as a medicine, dissolved in water or wine, in haemorrhages and stomach complaints.
Local causes are polypi, retention of the products of conception, extra uterine gestation, haemorrhages in connexion with pregnancy, and new growths in the uterus.
The signs are fitful haemorrhages after the menopause, followed by profuse and offensive discharges.
Retention of the products of conception may cause irregular haemorrhages and may lead to a diagnosis of tumour.
It was formerly used as an amulet against haemorrhages and fluxes.
On the supposition that it is really an Astringent, Turpentine has been often prescribed as a remedy for haemorrhages in different parts of the body.
As the ulcer extends it is apt to implicate large blood-vessels, so that serious, and sometimes alarming, haemorrhagestake place.
But repeated haemorrhages bring on increasing exhaustion, and thus materially hasten the end.
Their virtues are those of a very mild astringent, and as such they stand recommended in haemorrhages both internal and external, diarrhoeas, debility and laxity of the fibres; and likewise in spasmodic hysterical affections.
It is employed in all kinds of immoderate haemorrhages and other fluxes, both internally and externally, where astringency is the only intention.
It has an herbaceous roughish taste, and hence stands recommended in haemorrhages and alvine fluxes.
Rigby's division of haemorrhages before labour into accidental and unavoidable.
His work was afterwards translated into Latin by Guillemeau, who, although he still adhered to the old plan of bringing down the head, showed the value of Pare's mode of turning in haemorrhages and convulsions.
The retina is subject to inflammation, to detachment from the choroid, to haemorrhages from the blood-vessels and to tumour.
Thus there occurred stench, swelling, and samious haemorrhages "commonly in those that died of malignant anginose fever above described.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "haemorrhages" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.