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Example sentences for "grotesquely"

Lexicographically close words:
grossi; grossly; grossness; grot; grotesque; grotesqueness; grotesques; groth; grots; grotto
  1. Here he always stared around at the company, and accepted credulously the counterfeit coin of grotesquely exaggerated amazement which was given him.

  2. My answer seemed grotesquely out of key with this, but its sequence was clear in my mind.

  3. There are numerous photographs of him standing on his quarter-deck with Kings and Tsars, and gentlemen grotesquely clad in top hats and frock coats; there is a long appendix containing a list of Lord Fisher's "Great Naval Reforms.

  4. The little statuette of Annui smiled grotesquely down upon her from its pedestal.

  5. Wearing a heavy fur-collared coat, and with his yellow, malignant countenance grotesquely horrible beneath the shadow of a large tweed motor cap, he stood motionless, looking up at me.

  6. There was a little China Buddha upon a bureau in one corner, with a gilded cap upon its head, and as some reflection of the moonlight sought out this little cap, my thoughts grotesquely turned upon the murdered man's gold tooth.

  7. Indeed, one limp hand that lay across the swollen abdomen lent itself to the grotesquely hideous suggestion of a gentleman sleeping off the excesses of a hearty dinner.

  8. Vestiges of some grotesquely hideous nightmare remained with me.

  9. One goes to distant places for the winter sports or for big game shooting, but this seemed rather grotesquely perverse.

  10. Not grotesquely fantastic are the forms of cliff and foliage, not violently vivid the colouring of flower and bird.

  11. Carved stags' heads, with real antlers, looked down grotesquely from the walls.

  12. Wearing a heavy fur-collared coat, and with his yellow, malignant countenance grotesquely horrible beneath the shade of a large tweed motor cap, he stood motionless, looking up at me.

  13. There was a little China Buddha upon the bureau in one corner, with a gilded cap upon its head, and as some reflection of the moonlight sought out this little cap, my thoughts grotesquely turned upon the murdered man's gold tooth.

  14. Over it two lions grotesquely carved support an en-tablature.

  15. With them all the ugly clock was grotesquely intermingled.

  16. Her hat hung down grotesquely at one side of her head.

  17. As he stood over Johnnie now, it was plain to see where the boy's shaggy trousers had come from (the grotesquely big shirt as well).

  18. Seen close by from the lake's surface these tinted lava cliffs are carved as grotesquely as a Japanese ivory.

  19. Her face was tender, and in spite of her grotesquely affected toilette she appeared very simple and womanly at this moment.

  20. Pope saw the shining eyes suddenly fill and threaten to overflow; instead of the grotesquely overdressed and artificial stage favorite he beheld only a yearning woman whose face was softened and glorified as by a vision.

  21. As with most women, her knowledge of the law was negligible, her conception of its workings was grotesquely child- like.

  22. Hobgoblins, demons, and witches mingle grotesquely with the throng of beautiful princesses, queens in glittering raiment, fairies and elves.

  23. In Ligeia, at last, it finds its appropriate setting in the ebony bridal-chamber, hung with gold tapestries grotesquely embroidered with fearful shapes and constantly wafted to and fro, like those in one of the Episodes of Vathek.

  24. For answer, a yellow arm clutching a helmet-light broke through the grotesquely milling mass and struck at the cuttlefish's great pools of eyes.

  25. They came scrambling over the boulders, their shadows grotesquely preceding them.

  26. Screaming, all-powerful and uncanny war dogs, they bounded grotesquely high in the air, plunging straight towards the Jarmuthian ranks which greeted them with a searing, billowing blast of their retortii.

  27. They passed through the chief entrance of the house which had pillars of woodwork grotesquely carved, down some steps into a walled and roofed-in yard where the shadows were even more dense than in the house they had left.

  28. Their shadows stretched slantwise before them, grotesquely lengthened by the last efforts of the disappearing sun.

  29. Straight onward they charged, at headlong gallop, to ride over us like a grotesquely tinted wave, and the dull drumming of their ponies' hoofs beat a diapason to the shrill clamor of their voices.

  30. The more incapable members of the party were grotesquely tricked out in these blossoms, and a crown of roses was soon woven.

  31. Then his waistcoat was too short, and so grotesquely provincial, that he hastily buttoned his coat over it; and, finally, no man of any pretension to fashion wore nankeen trousers.

  32. Everything is uncouth, fantastical to excess, grotesquely lugubrious; everywhere we are surprised by incomprehensible conceptions, which seem the work of distorted imaginations.

  33. Throughout the day his slave had been correcting Latin and Greek exercises, papers in mathematical or physical science, answers to historical questions: all elementary and many grotesquely bad.

  34. Emily's father, Mr. Hood, is an essentially pathetic figure, almost grotesquely true to life.

  35. Ten minutes after she gazed down from the stairs upon grotesquely ruddy Yankee heads above Oriental robes, and cried to them, "The Princess Winky Poo salutes her court!

  36. It was not well drawn; it was too finicking; the pillars in the background were grotesquely squat.

  37. The deadly pallor of her cheeks was grotesquely heightened by the remnants of rouge which her shaking fingers had failed to completely remove.

  38. His hands fell grotesquely and his closed eyes were puffed.

  39. Each temple is most grotesquely painted with scenes supposed to represent the past history of the island.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grotesquely" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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