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Example sentences for "grosses"

Lexicographically close words:
grosly; gross; grosse; grossen; grosser; grossest; grossi; grossly; grossness; grot
  1. Among the French names he could discover nothing like this, unless it was Grosses Coques, so called, his guide-book told him, because the Acadiens had discovered enormous clams there.

  2. They threw her down, tied her legs, and brought her to Grosses Coques.

  3. His sister Lucie wants you and me to go up to Grosses Coques this evening to supper.

  4. Having fed our horses on the grass near the stream which had not been burnt over, we started again for Les Grosses Isles, which we were instructed were distant about seven leagues, at the foot of Big Stone Lake.

  5. Miler was soon seen advancing to meet me, with the joyful intelligence that the trees at Grosses Isles were in sight.

  6. In those days there were grosses of grosses of separate businesses and business companies.

  7. Es kann nichts helfen ein grosses Schicksal zu haben, wenn man nicht weiss, dass man eines hat=--It is of no avail for a man to have a great destiny if he does not know that he has one.

  8. Tramcar conductors’) Aller voir les grosses têtes, to drive the first morning car to Bineau, this part of Paris being inhabited by substantial people.

  9. The Concerti fuer grosses Orchester have been, so to speak, the sketch books for the Water Music and for the Firework Music.

  10. Concerti fuer grosses Orchester and the 2 Concerti a due cori of Vol.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grosses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.