Schumann: Fifth and sixth movements from the 'Requiem fuer Mignon.
Reprint from the Monatschrift fuer Gottesdienst und kirchliche Kunst, 1900, No.
Schumann: First and second movements from 'Requiem fuer Mignon.
This will be found in several of the vocabularies of Low German dialects published by the Verein fuer Niederdeutsche Sprachforschung.
The formula of pure logic is nothing but a lame attempt to make the Hegelian categories "an Sich and fuer Sich" of use in a philosophy of realism.
Keiser in 1712, Der fuer die Suenden der Welt gemarterte und sterbende Jesus (Jesus Crucified and Dying for the Sins of the World).
See, in Chrysander's work, an article by Emil Krause, in the Monatshefte fuer Musikwissenschaft, 1904.
The Concerti fuer grosses Orchester have been, so to speak, the sketch books for the Water Music and for the Firework Music.
An English nobleman travelling in Germany found a little collection of 6 Trios (Sammlung dreistimmiger Sonaten fuer Zwei Oboen und Bass, sechs Stueck) dating from this period (Volume 28 of the Complete Handel Edition).
Concerti fuer grosses Orchester and the 2 Concerti a due cori of Vol.
Voigt: Reinhard Keiser (1890 in the Vierteljahrsschrift fuer Musikwissenschaft)--the Octavia and the Croesus of Keiser have been republished.
Judging from these reprints, the original edition was entitled: "Der kleine Katechismus fuer die gemeinen Pfarrherrn und Prediger.
Ja, oft denk ich an sein Licht, Wenn der fruehe Tag anbricht: Ach was ist fuer Herrlichkeit In dem Licht der Ewigkeit!
Compare my article on Abel's Gegensinn der Urworte in the Jahrbuch fuer Psychoanalytische und Psychopathologische Forschungen, Bd.
I found etched on a bamboo tobacco-pipe, from Torres Straits, in the Museum fuer Voelkerkunde, in Berlin.
I hope to publish shortly a paper in the Internationales Archiv fuer Ethnographie, on the designs which are incised on the skin of these natives.
For this dye the quinoline yellow manufactured by the Actien Gesellschaft fuer Anilin Fabrikation, Berlin, is specially suitable).
It appeared under the title: "Grosse Sonate fuer das Hammerklavier Seiner Kais.
The correspondent of the "Zeitung fuer die Elegante Welt" renders a probable solution of Ries's doubt easy.
Was, then, the correspondent of the "Zeitung fuer die Elegante Welt" right?
The correspondent of the "Zeitung fuer die Elegante Welt" positively states, under date of June 29th: "Beethoven is composing an opera by Schikaneder.
On October 28 Schumann's article appeared in the Neue Zeitschrift fuer Musik.
It ran as follows: 'The undersigned have long followed with regret the proceedings of a certain party whose organ is Brendel's Zeitschrift fuer Musik.
In the issue of the Neue Zeitschrift fuer Musik, of December 14 a long article on Brahms appeared, the closing one of a series of three begun in July.
Haertel enters into some of the promised detail: 'You will see before long, in the Neue Zeitschrift fuer Musik, an article signed with my name on young Johannes Brahms from Hamburg, which will give you further information about him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fuer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.