Braue Peeres of England, Pillars of the State, To you Duke Humfrey must vnload his greefe: Your greefe, the commongreefe of all the Land.
Oft haue I heard that greefesoftens the mind, And makes it fearefull and degenerate, Thinke therefore on reuenge, and cease to weepe.
When euery greefeis entertaind, That's offer'd comes to th' entertainer Seb.
Signior Baptista, will you be so strange, Sorrie am I that our good will effects Bianca's greefe Gre.
But for my daughter Katerine, this I know, She is not for your turne, the more my greefe Pet.
Sidenote: The earle of Warwike keepeth his greefe secret.
The French king was not well pleased to be thus dallied with; but he shortlie (to appease the greefe of his wife and hir sister the ladie Bona) married the said ladie Bona to the duke of Millan.
Hath Cassius liu'd To be but Mirth and Laughter to his Brutus, When greefe and blood ill temper'd, vexeth him?
It was reported, that the French king could not so dissemble nor cloake his inward thought, but that there appeared some tokens of greefe in his countenance, whilest he beheld these warlike pastimes.
This must needs be a great greefe vnto a prince of such a stout and valiant stomach, namelie sith he had beene so long time before accustomed to find fortune still so fauourable vnto him in all his enterprises.
He is going to the hott bathes in Issue[117] for dollor or greefe he hath in his boanes.
Silva arived at Mallaca, and were gon towardes Molucas before he came, he dying forgreefe that he did not com in tyme, as the Span.
The violence of other Greefe or Ioy, Their owne ennactors with themselues destroy: Where Ioy most Reuels, Greefedoth most lament; Greefe ioyes, Ioy greeues on slender accident.
Come, go we to the King, This must be knowne, being kept close might moue More greefe to hide, then hate to vtter loue.
But yet do I beleeue The Origin and Commencement of thisgreefe Sprung from neglected loue.
That I am guiltlesse of your Fathers death, And am most sensible ingreefe for it, It shall as leuell to your Iudgement pierce As day do's to your eye.
Pray stand up, Your greefe is written in your cheeke.
Set downe in yce, which by hot greefe uncandied Melts into drops, so sorrow, wanting forme, Is prest with deeper matter.
We come unseasonably: But when could greefe Cull forth, as unpanged judgement can, fit'st time For best solicitation.
At length the said bishop vpon greefe conceiued that the king should be so heauie lord vnto him, got into a ship at London, and stale awaie into France, where he was well receiued of the French king, and greatlie cherished.
Herewith he made great prouision of ships, the which being assembled, and the armie likewise come togither, through lacke of conuenient wind he was inforced to stay a long time, to his great greefe and no lesse charges.
Triumphes for nothing, and lamenting Toyes, Is iollity for Apes, and greefe for Boyes.
I do note, That greefe and patience rooted in them both, Mingle their spurres together Arui.
Damar Greefe reason to suspect that I was in any way associated with the matter.
Damar Greefe was by no means normal; in fact I think he was a dangerous and very brilliant maniac.
Damar Greefe commenced to unfold a story of nameless horrors--and save that his harsh voice grew ever weaker and weaker, he displayed not the slightest trace of emotion throughout his appalling revelations.
In despite of these measures, the hunted man had made good his retreat; and Blythe and I had entered the outskirts of London without once sighting the car in which Dannar Greefe had fled.
Damar Greefe came out and began to peer through his glasses--that it was mechanically set in such a manner that it could drop a projectile into the window above the porch of the Abbey Inn!
Damar Greefe to Sir Marcus is a very significant piece of evidence, of course; and when we consider that it reached Sir Marcus within a very short time of his return from Russia, the conclusion is obvious.
Damar Greefe coldly but courteously blocked my path to discussion of the Coverly family; and after several abortive attempts to draw him out upon the point, I recognized this deliberate design and abandoned the matter.
Greefe should have brought about the death of Sir Burnham or the death of anybody else.
Damar Greefe I think we had the head of the conspiracy.
Damar Greefe closed his eyes and lay back in the chair; and a moment later: "Hullo!
Damar Greefe had not returned to his studies, but had swiftly passed along some path through the trees so as to head me off!
Damar Greefe had represented to them that she had lost her reason.
He came in again, and closing the door behind him, stood staring at Damar Greefe in a sort of wonderment.
Oh how that name befits my composition: Old Gaunt indeed, and gaunt in being old: Within me greefe hath kept a tedious fast, And who abstaynes from meate, that is not gaunt?
Would I were dead, if Gods good will were so; For what is in this world, but Greefe and Woe.
Either thou wilt dye, by Gods iust ordinance Ere from this warre thou turne a Conqueror: Or I with greefe and extreame Age shall perish, And neuer more behold thy face againe.
I am sorrie, when he sent to borrow of mee, that my Prouision was out 1 I am sicke of that greefe too, as I vnderstand how all things go 2 Euery man heares so: what would hee haue borrowed of you?
The Gods are witnesse, Neu'r did poore Steward weare a truer greefe For his vndone Lord, then mine eyes for you Tim.
Whereat his greefe of mind being doubled, so as he might seeme euen oppressed with sorrow, the same increased his disease so vehementlie, that within a small time it made an end of his life (as before yee haue heard.
Other write, that through verie greefe and languor he pined awaie, and died of naturall sicknesse.
My greefe is, I lie in a place of much losse and expence to your Wors.
This man still seeketh quarrells against all men, which is no small trowble and greefe unto me, I 6 having much adoe to please all and yet cannot.
Truly to my hartes greefe I am eavery day more then other out of hope of any good to be donne in Japon, except trade may be procured into China, which I am not yet out of hope of.
But by the sudden newes of this staie, the father (at supper as he sat) so stroken at hart that well nie straight had he fallen downe dead, yet borne into his chamber, where for greefe and pine within three daies next he deceassed.
And such euill opinion once fastned in mens harts, hard it is to wrest out, and may grow to more greefe than anie man can here diuine.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "greefe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.