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Example sentences for "great share"

  • The ingenuous Huron, who, as we have already observed more than once, had a great share of understanding, entered deeply into the consideration of this idea, the seeds whereof appeared to be in himself.

  • This man had a great share of understanding and prudence, and was very learned.

  • The popes were charged with a great share of the care of the city and civil government of Rome.

  • But our saint promoted his zealous endeavors, and had a great share in his apostolic undertakings for the conversion of his people.

  • Romanus reigned in the year 944; from which time his covetous daughter Helena had a great share in governing the empire.

  • In the tents of the murdered viceroy they found an immense treasure, of which a great share fell to M.

  • Accept, gentlemen, my thanks for your declaration, that to my agency you ascribe the enjoyment of a great share of these benefits.

  • On the other hand, American citizens have a great share of property on the water, with very little naval protection, and of course subject to the naval superiority of Great Britain.

  • They must in all cases have a great share in his appointment, and will, perhaps, in most cases, of themselves determine it.

  • To this accidental source of the error may be added the artifice of some celebrated authors, whose writings have had a great share in forming the modern standard of political opinions.

  • As he has been a great Traveller, he has acquir'd a great share of Knowledge and Politeness.

  • He is a well-set Man, has a noble Air, and supports his Title by a great share of Valour and good Sense.

  • She is extremely grave, and does not seem to take a great share in the Pleasures of the Court.

  • Sickness, Ill-humour, and Idleness, will have robbed him of a great Share of that Space we ordinarily call our Life.

  • However he had so much of the World, that he had a great share of the Language which usually prevails upon the weaker Part of that Sex, and he could with his Tongue utter a Passion with which his Heart was wholly untouch'd.

  • But as great as her Sway was, she had much ado to get the better of the King's Confessor, who had a great Share in all Affairs.

  • In London he had a great Share in the open Opposition made to the Tyranny of the British Court & their Measures respecting America.

  • But the Historian will in some future time draw forth the Proofs of his Patriotism, & unprejudicd Posterity will acknowledge that Arthur Lee has borne a great Share in defending & establishing the Liberties of America.

  • Her welfare and happiness, her peace and prosperity, her liberty and independence will always have a great share in the best wishes of my heart.

  • Throughout this service the Navy were justly entitled to a great share of merit.

  • To these a valuable addition was given of all the Marines belonging to the ships of war, and upwards of 400 Seamen, who had claims to a great share of merit for their steadiness and spirit through the whole train of this defensive service.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great share" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bony plates; great bird; great danger; great esteem; great favor; great feare; great future; great heights; great intelligence; great lake; great many; great merit; great military; great mortality; great rejoicing; great request; great shame; great shock; great storm; great talents; great way; great wonder; greater part; greater perfection; greatest pleasure; greatly diminished