The ingenuous Huron, who, as we have already observed more than once, had a great share of understanding, entered deeply into the consideration of this idea, the seeds whereof appeared to be in himself.
The popes were charged with a great share of the care of the city and civil government of Rome.
But our saint promoted his zealous endeavors, and had a great share in his apostolic undertakings for the conversion of his people.
Romanus reigned in the year 944; from which time his covetous daughter Helena had a great share in governing the empire.
In the tents of the murdered viceroy they found an immense treasure, of which a great share fell to M.
Accept, gentlemen, my thanks for your declaration, that to my agency you ascribe the enjoyment of a great share of these benefits.
On the other hand, American citizens have a great share of property on the water, with very little naval protection, and of course subject to the naval superiority of Great Britain.
They must in all cases have a great share in his appointment, and will, perhaps, in most cases, of themselves determine it.
To this accidental source of the error may be added the artifice of some celebrated authors, whose writings have had a great share in forming the modern standard of political opinions.
As he has been a great Traveller, he has acquir'd a great share of Knowledge and Politeness.
He is a well-set Man, has a noble Air, and supports his Title by a great share of Valour and good Sense.
She is extremely grave, and does not seem to take a great share in the Pleasures of the Court.
Sickness, Ill-humour, and Idleness, will have robbed him of a great Share of that Space we ordinarily call our Life.
However he had so much of the World, that he had a great share of the Language which usually prevails upon the weaker Part of that Sex, and he could with his Tongue utter a Passion with which his Heart was wholly untouch'd.
But as great as her Sway was, she had much ado to get the better of the King's Confessor, who had a great Share in all Affairs.
In London he had a great Share in the open Opposition made to the Tyranny of the British Court & their Measures respecting America.
But the Historian will in some future time draw forth the Proofs of his Patriotism, & unprejudicd Posterity will acknowledge that Arthur Lee has borne a great Share in defending & establishing the Liberties of America.
Her welfare and happiness, her peace and prosperity, her liberty and independence will always have a great share in the best wishes of my heart.
Throughout this service the Navy were justly entitled to a great share of merit.
To these a valuable addition was given of all the Marines belonging to the ships of war, and upwards of 400 Seamen, who had claims to a great share of merit for their steadiness and spirit through the whole train of this defensive service.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great share" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.