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Example sentences for "thus addressed"

  • A heavenly radiance shone around the height; When she upraised her voice and thus addressed us: "Why be dismayed, brave Frenchmen?

  • Showing himself at a window, with a full wineglass in his hand, he thus addressed them: "Citizens of Antwerp!

  • With a calm and dignified manner, he thus addressed him: "I understand thou hast threatened to blow out the brains of Elias Hicks, if he comes upon thy plantation.

  • Vaisampayana said, 'Thus addressed by Karna, king Duryodhana with cheerless heart, averted his face from his counsellors.

  • Vaisampayana continued, 'Thus addressed by Sanjaya, the intelligent Vidura, ever attached to his relatives, with the permission of Yudhishthira returned to the city named after the elephant.

  • Vaisampayana continued, "Thus addressed, he went out of his sister's apartments.

  • Vaisampayana continued, "Thus addressed by Yudhishthira, Dhaumya, that best of Brahmanas, performed according to the ordinance the rites ordained in respect of departure.

  • Then, having called all the slaves before him, they gathered round to know his pleasure; when he thus addressed them: "To be grateful for benefits received is natural to persons well born.

  • As we were yesterday surrounding him, he thus addressed us: 'I feel nature is nearly exhausted in me; but I shall now die with pleasure, since I have lived to see such an unexpected reformation in Mahmoud.

  • The pastor went instantly in search of Shel-Adar, and having found him, thus addressed him.

  • Thus addressed, at once the monarch--let the bright-winged bird depart.

  • But Vilasavati, thus addressed, made no reply, and turning to her attendants, he asked the cause of her exceeding grief.

  • Thus addressed by Drona, O Bharata, the feeling that is ever present in thy son's breast suddenly made itself known.

  • Thus addressed by him, he of Dasarha's race, turned back the car, and took the son of Pandu to where the ruler of the Trigartas was.

  • Thus addressed by him, Bhagadatta became filled with rage, and taking up a bright bow showered upon both the Pandava and Govinda his arrowy down-pours.

  • Vaisampayana continued, "Thus addressed by Sanjaya, the intelligent Vidura, ever attached to his relatives, with the permission of Yudhishthira returned to the city named after the elephant.

  • Vaisampayana said, "Thus addressed by Karna, king Duryodhana with cheerless heart, averted his face from his counsellors.

  • It fell among some Reeds, which it thus addressed: "I wonder how you, who are so light and weak, are not entirely crushed by these strong winds.

  • He thus addressed him: "Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me.

  • Thus addressed, Steenie drew himself up to his full height, smiled upon his questioner as he had upon his father, and said very gravely.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thus addressed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being borne; how many; religious peace; satisfactory adjustment; speaking countries; thus addressed; thus also; thus appears; thus being; thus called; thus defined; thus doing; thus explained; thus expresses; thus far; thus formed; thus making; thus prepared; thus produced; thus recorded; thus referred; thus replied; thus thought; thus translated; thus wrote; upon them