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Example sentences for "got him"

  • We got him where we could put the screws on without arousing the neighborhood.

  • That's why we've got him over in the old iron plant now.

  • We had to get him--where we wanted him--and we got him.

  • When we got him into it he quieted down and took exceeding interest in his first bed in the open.

  • Then his high voice pealed out: "I got him, Dad.

  • I did not catch any while wading, but from the bank I spied one, and dropping a fly in front of his nose, I got him.

  • Come on, Don, old fellow, we've got him corralled.

  • I've got him going; I told him if he left now everybody would conclude he was in on the capital prize trick.

  • Alfred said afterwards he "knowed Uncle Joe was skeered, that Hickman couldn't rise him up after he got him under.

  • I got him afterwards to sign things in bed.

  • And finding my Lord in White Hall garden, I got him to go to the Secretary's, which he did, and desired the dispatch of his and my bills to be signed by the King.

  • Carpeaux took him up at one time, got him commissions.

  • My husband thinks we got him in--by the skin of his teeth.

  • Ah, you think you've got him in your power, him and his money, you little white-livered cat!

  • We dug with our shovels, and tore at the wire until finally we got him extricated.

  • I tried to drag the old man into a dugout and I got him on the stairs, but he looked so bad that I laid him down and started cutting away at his tunic to find the wound.

  • Well, we gave him some hot tea, took off his socks and rubbed his feet; and I got him a pair of my dry socks.

  • Take it easy, take it easy, I've got him on the floor by the hair of his head; call Gholson!

  • I've got him," breathed the boy, feeling the line draw tight under his hand.

  • If we fail to find him, then they've got him, sure.

  • Cassandry's, got him to go," said Mr. Hopkins.

  • Cynthia, striving to be calm herself, got him into a chair and took his stick and straightened out his leg, and then Ephraim told her the story, and it lost no dramatic effect in his telling.

  • Twas a year before I got him to receive it; he despatched the money back once, saying that I had more need of it than he.

  • He got him up so in the matter of ketching flies, and kep' him in practice so constant, that he'd nail a fly every time as fur as he could see him.

  • That boy put up a fight like a welter-weight cinnamon bear; but, at last, we got him down in the bottom of the buggy and drove away.

  • We got him to go by telling him that his father had bought a silver-mounted rifle and a pair of moccasins for him, and we were going to hunt bears the next day.

  • I got him a lodging near the Temple, and a month after, approving his idea to try his fortune in India, I gave him a letter of introduction to M.

  • I got him a passport for Berlin, and gave him enough money for the journey.

  • Calling on the Venetian ambassador's steward I saw some peculiarly fine oysters, and I got him to let me have a hundred.

  • There was an English oculist named Taylor in Rome at that time, and I got him to make her an eye of the right size and colour.

  • I got him a good carriage, and started him off the next day at daybreak.

  • By good luck I got him first--yes, Jo, he's dead.

  • I've got him," he called out, and was about to hurl the pistol into the stateroom when an unpleasant and unexpected thing happened.

  • Smith met me, and we went to the bank, where I turned over to him the balance, got him to audit all my accounts, certify that they were correct and just, and that there remained not one cent of balance in my hands.

  • If you got the money, I no want him; but if you no got him, I want it like the devil!

  • And so you say you've got him safe in the ruins, Charles?

  • All of us dropped often to our waists and Atkinson completely disappeared once, but we got him out.

  • We got him to the surface by using the Alpine rope.

  • Petty Officer Evans went adrift on the floe, but we got him back in the pram.

  • One of them then threatened to shoot my interpreter Simon if he got him in a quiet place away from the English power.

  • I got him off to his vessel, but the wind died away before we could reach the mouth of the river.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "got him" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about sixteen; after puberty; are very; change the; got any; got back; got him; got home; got out; got the; got there; human affection; hundred francs; melted state; mighty energy; one great; other symptoms; persons were; pulled back; regulate commerce; shall seek; similar spirit; vital importance; vulgar error; worse then; young lord