He called to Sam Nancarrow's old nag, quite pleased to be having a horse to drive as though it belonged to him, and gossiped genially about this and other balls he had been to.
They gossiped of her looks and manner, of her strange air of serenity and content, although her life on the Ridge was, they surmised, a hard one, and different from the life she had come from.
They yarned and gossiped sometimes, too, about the things that had happened, and what Potch had done while Sophie was away.
After he had asked Paul how he was, and had gossiped with him awhile, Mr. Armitage produced an illustrated magazine from one of the outer pockets of his overcoat.
Ridge people gossiped pitifully, sentimentally, to each other as they drove home.
In advance of their occurrence, however, all these things were gossiped about by the leaders of every faction and so confidently expected that plans were shaped in accordance with them.
I did not think that Signor Ghisleri was the sort of man who gossiped about his friends.
Cold, rosy faces poured into the subway hoods, warm, pale faces poured out, wet feet slipped on the frozen rubbish of the sidewalks, little salesgirls gossiped cheerfully as they dangled on straps in the packed cars.
They gossiped in low, absorbed tones of the affairs of friends and neighbours; the endless trivial circumstances so interesting to the women of a small town.
Indeed I have heard at last that this doctrine so long gossiped of is a true one.
Now this lady was a thin, yellow spinster, with a sharp nose and inquisitive eyes, who saw everything and gossiped about all she saw.
I'm gossiped about rather more than the others, am I not?
Heaven send that the day when you are not gossiped about is far distant!
Why, only last night, at a reception at the Patagonian Minister's, every woman in the room gossiped about me because I led the german with him.
But a lost reputation is so difficult to regain and always remains so fragile that, in spite of the shy reserve of La Blanchotte, they already gossiped in the neighborhood.
The brandy was served to the customers by Father Auban's daughter, a pleasing brunette, who attracted people to the house only by her pretty face, for nothing had ever been gossiped about her.
The people of the neighborhood, dazed at first, had gossiped about it in the street, from one threshold to another.
The result was that while Mrs. Cresswell was giving large and brilliant parties to the whole Southern contingent, Mrs. Vanderpool was engineering exclusive dinners where old New York met stately Charleston and gossiped interestingly.
Here a party of gensdarmes seemed disposed to be inquisitive, but Captain Hely-Hutchinson dismounted and gossiped with them on the coming arrival of troops.
Meantime the elders gossiped together, their chief topic of speculation being the sender of the wonderful Christmas dinners.
Hence it followed that the prospective marriage of Mr. John Coulter could not but be an event concerning which the entire community gossiped with eager and kindly interest.
We often met casually, regardless of rank or power, and talked and gossiped of things in general, as officers do and should.
Women gossiped in their doorways, but there was no stir anywhere.
The trees waved and bent and murmured, as though they gossiped with each other over this odd gravedigger.
Perhaps your Lordship has heard of her, since she is so much gossiped of--Mistress Clorinda Wildairs, who has been brought up half boy by her father and his cronies, and is already the strappingest beauty in England.
Oh," said I slowly, "you gossiped to some purpose with my steward, it appears.
I believe that, luckily, the shepherd who saw you only gossiped to a tenant of Blackladies.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gossiped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.