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Example sentences for "gnawings"

Lexicographically close words:
gnats; gnaw; gnawed; gnaweth; gnawing; gnawn; gnaws; gneiss; gneisses; gneissic
  1. To appease the gnawings of hunger, they were fain to eat the leather of their saddles and belts.

  2. Thousands of the slaves are pressed with the gnawings of cruel hunger during their whole lives.

  3. Thousands of them are pressed with the gnawings of cruel hunger during their whole lives.

  4. Though we felt the gnawings of hunger, we suffered still more from thirst.

  5. It was now the fourth day since we left Nukuheva, and the gnawings of hunger became painfully acute.

  6. It expels wind, helps belchings, and potently provokes the menses: used in baths, it helps pains in the sides, gripings and gnawings in the belly.

  7. The gnawings of my stomach in this rage of hunger are so tearing, that they make it bark like a mastiff.

  8. Of a sudden now, as they squatted about the shrine, aware only of the ceaseless gnawings of their stomachs, from up the road came the crash as of a falling bounding stone.

  9. They thought only of appeasing the gnawings of their stomachs which had sharpened and become suddenly overpowering at the sight and smell of food.

  10. It was the fourth day since we left Nukuheva, and the gnawings of hunger became painfully acute.

  11. That night he posted his letter to the Home Secretary, and calmed the gnawings of his love with dreams of ambition.

  12. But walking behind her up the path strewn with flowers from the church door to the gate, the gnawings of the worm of buried love came on him again, and he felt like a man who was being dragged through the dirt.

  13. It is into everlasting damnation, eternal destruction, eternal wrath and displeasure from God, eternal gnawings of conscience, eternal continuance with devils.

  14. The violet-bee, on the contrary, collects her gnawings into a little store-heap for future use, at a short distance from her nest.

  15. In other species, the gnawings of the wood are employed in a similar manner.

  16. As there are mason-wasps similar in economy to mason-bees, so are there solitary carpenter-wasps which dig galleries in timber, and partition them out into several cells by means of the gnawings of the wood which they have detached.

  17. The bed of its paths exhibits, when closely examined, a curious appearance, occasioned by the gnawings of its jaws, which excavate an infinity of little ramified canals.

  18. Then, trying to raise himself, he began to experience in all their severity the fierce spasms, the dull gnawings that were the miserable consequences of the injury he had sustained.

  19. Nor did they escape the gnawings of hunger, traveling day and night.

  20. I was now, for the first time during a space of more than seven years, made to feel the painful gnawings of hunger--a something which I had not experienced before since I left Colonel Lloyd's plantation.

  21. Though very unpalatable, it would serve to keep us alive; it, at all events, stopped the gnawings of hunger and enabled us to go to sleep.

  22. They were soon cooked, and unable to resist the gnawings of hunger we divided one of them and ate it up.

  23. We walked on with the same want of success as before; and about noon, feeling the gnawings of hunger, we lighted a fire, and cooked the remainder of our eggs.

  24. The food, such as it was, somewhat allayed the gnawings of hunger.

  25. Desperate with the gnawings of his empty stomach, he accosted several doctors who were speaking French, but all in vain.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gnawings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.