As Jim Greely expressed the look: "Girlie makes everything easy.
Girlie did not know why the white tulle frock, absolutely plain, shamed her elaborate red satin with its exaggerated lines.
Took the child inside with her and explained, perhaps for the hundredth time, that Girlie must not do so.
This was her name in those days, and a real little girlie she was, square and funny.
Everything his girlie said was simply wonderful, and all of it worth repetition, if only he could remember it.
But Wayward and Girlie had been brought up in a more exclusive manner.
Consider, then, Wayward and Girlie in a country full of game birds.
Then came a Happy Hooligan and a Girlie Girl; next, Little Red Riding Hood and a Pumpkin Clown and directly at their heels ran the two bears on all fours, sniffing eagerly at the basket carried by their prospective victim.
Don’t you know thatGirlie Girl hasn’t discovered my decoration?
And if there's anything too good for mygirlie I'd like to see it!
He felt his mature ones tingle with amusement at the recollection, and at the recognition that the girlie was as ready of resentment as ever.
A battle which ended in a sobbing girlie ankle deep in water, an empty string, and a defiant lad with young crimson ears.
Remember, it's a wise girlie knows when to change her mind!
I--you--it takes a wise littlegirlie to change her mind.
Baylis was a little man of sixty or so, with a wrinkled face like a walnut and a powerful set of lungs; he was Wrout's outside talker for thegirlie show.
Charley went down to the girlie tent, and found Ed just clearing up.
One can faintly glimpse at, but must utterly fail to grasp, what that little girlie suffered mentally.
To the name Owindia, which means The Weeping One, was added the modern Lucy May, and the little girlie twined herself closely round the hearts of her protectors.
Sally did not see the Hula dancer again that afternoon, for Nita belonged to the "girlie show," which had a tent all its own.
It means everything to us -- to you, girlie -- and to me.
I could have screamed aloud at what was enacted before my eyes, but there was my poor little girlie to quiet; she cried so bitterly.
Rushing downstairs I gathered my poor little girlie into my arms, her whole little body quivering with sobs, and faced the brute, which had done the deed.
The science fiction he enjoyed; but he was not able to understand why he wasn't interested in the girlie books.
For a girlie with all your good sense, if you ain't the greatest little one to get a silly gix and work it to death.
But take care of your girlie out there," he added, his strong face softening as he took a last look at her.
I am afraid my girlie is jealous of this new rival," she said, gently, as she drew the little night-gowned figure on to her knee.
Mrs. Steyn's girlievery bad; fever; so restless, and so much pain.
No more for mine those sissy, girlie ways--I've got well over all of that!
Maybe so in those girlie-girlie days you were trying to josh me about, but not since these two years I've been at college.
Oh, I say, Mr. Lightnut, play easier on that girlie and lady pedal; cook up a fresh gag!
Well girlie we will be out of here in less then a wk.
So don't worry little girlie And now we are going to Berlin And when we the Kaiser skin and the war we will win And make the Kaiser jump out of his skin.
So in the mean wile don't take no wood nickles and don't get impatient but be a good girlie and save up your loving for me.
When the Dinsmore carriage came, Girlie announced that she wouldn't be over the next day, and maybe not the one after that.
This morning Girlie had everything her way, and we played little silly baby games till I felt as flat as the dish that fox is eating out of.
But Girlie Dinsmore was here this morning, and I had to do it because she is company.
Mary to herself, as she ran up-stairs when Girlie was at last out of sight.
This is one of our little neighbors, Mary," she said, "Girlie Dinsmore.
She was making a pair of moccasins for Girlie Dinsmore's doll.
And what is my tall girlie doing, spiering from windows this time of night?
They were talking about the Tower of London, and were telling Girlie and Boy, who were spending the afternoon with us, all about their visit there on the previous day.
Now Girlie had told me what a greedy, avaricious person the Doctor-in-Law really was, despite his benevolent appearance, but this cool cheek almost took my breath away.
Girlie would have come but she had to stay with our charges.
Girlie however was on the lookout and as soon as she heard my wary footfalls outside the barn cellar she was beside me.
As we trotted slowly up the market road, for the children all wanted to talk, we saw Guardie and Girlie and the pigs coming down from the sawmill.
He's forever setting up his boar mind against Guardie," said Girlie in my ear as I put my head down to get her opinion of the quarrel.
While Sir Vet and Guardie had their spat, Girlie was rounding the other pigs away from them.
Go to bed, handsome Prince Fetlar," saidGirlie coaxingly.
Guardie and Girlie had been with the men of the settlement when they fought fires that wished to leap over the wide belt of cleared land that protected the properties on the lake.
Big Chief took Girlie and we all scurried away from the Widow's to Devering Farm.
Girlie pitched in to assist her mate, and we were having a fine mix-up, when a cold shadow stepped in between us.
Ran down and gave Lady Annabella some milk and petted her, but come on--Guardie and Girlie are trotting up to the barn to put their pigs to bed.
In the rules it also does not say that it's permitted to carry a girlie out of the house, without giving warning to the owners.
When we let off a girlie for a night we take ten roubles, and for the twenty-four hours twenty-five roubles.