And I had these newyears giftes following geven me:-- A barill morofack from Capt.
The lyfe and giftesof the most Famous Queene Zenobia with the letters of the Emperour Avrelianvs to the sayde Queene, and her stoute aunswere thereunto.
And bicause that the temple Florianum, was dedycated to amorous Flora, the Romanes had an opinion, that al women which vpon the same day repayred to the Temple in whorish apparell, should haue the graces and giftes that Flora had.
Some were Valasques friends, and other some his kinesfolkes, who letted not to say openly, that Cortez by flattery, sutteltie and giftes had gotten and obtayned his purpose.
And therefore (many goinge) yf every mans giftes and goodd qualities be entred into a booke before they be receaved, they may be employed upon any necessitie in the voyadge in this or in that, according as occasion of nede shall require.
In recompence of all these giftes our men gaue him two cutting hookes and certaine other trifles, wherewith he held himselfe greatly satisfied.
For alwaie we see manie endowed with goodlygiftes of the body, fayre, preatie, handsome and comely.
Nature to so hard a hart Given so goodly giftes of beauties grace, Whose pryde depraves each other better part, And all those pretious ornaments deface?
These giftes the husband gives his wife, and father eke the childe, And maister on his men bestowes the like, with favour milde.
Though nature be contrarie inclined, it may be altered, yet vsually those whome she denies her ordinarie giftes in one thing, she doubles them in another.
Then when al armed resist was put to flight, he assaied her with honie speech, & promised her more iewells and giftes than hee was able to pilfer in an hundred yeres after.
The lyfe and giftes of the most Famous Queene Zenobia with the Letters of the Emperour Avrelianvs to the sayde Queene, and her stoute aunswere thereunto.
Yet, whan I thinke vpon soch giftes of grace as God him lent, My losse, his gaine, I must a while, with ioyfull teares lament.
Giuen to loue learning: for though a child haue all the giftes of nature at wishe, and perfection of memorie at wil, yet if he haue not a speciall loue to learning, he shall neuer attaine to moch learning.
Plato maketh it a separate and perfite note of it selfe, and that so principall a note, as without it, all other giftes of nature do small seruice to learning.
Apelles, Parthesius, and Polucletus, and all soche as haue artificial- ly set forth their excellent giftes of nature.
Whether dooe the giftesof the mynde, passe and excelle the giftes and vertues of Fortune, and the bodie.
Wherefore, it being giuen vs to vnderstand, that we must bestow giftes vpon them, we caused certaine skinnes of beuers and other beastes to be bought with part of that money, which was giuen vpon almes to succour vs by the way.
Vnto whome wee answered, that our lord the Pope had not sent any giftes at all, because he was not certaine that wee should euer bee able to come at them: for we passed through most dangerous places.
And hereupon, wee were of necessitie enforced to bestowe in giftes a great part of those things which were giuen vs by well disposed people, to defray our charges.
Who notwithstanding, hauing receiued giftes at our handes, according to his maner conducted vs to the first guarde of the Tartars.
And although they did finde some that could doo it, for that they did reasonably vnderstande the Portugall tongue, yet there were none that woulde accept it, for any request or giftes that they did promise them.
The million the which he doth spend, is in giftesand in extraordinarie thinges.
Emperours and erles, And alle manere lordes, For giftes han yonge men To renne and to ryde.
Giftes sent to the Emperour of Russia by the King and Queenes Maiesties of England.
Giftes sent the King and Queenes Maiesties of England by the Emperour of Russia, by the report of the Ambassadour, and spoyled by the Scots after the Shipwracke.
Giftes giuen to the Ambassadour at his departure, ouer and aboue such as were deliuered vnto him at his first arriual.
Thre Kinges, with all their company, Their crownes glistning bright and oriently, With their presentes and giftes misticall.
The minstrelsy, the service at the feast, The greate giftes to the most and least, The rich array of Theseus' palace, Nor who sate first or last upon the dais.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "giftes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.