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Example sentences for "gibbets"

Lexicographically close words:
gibbered; gibbering; gibberish; gibbet; gibbeted; gibbous; gibe; gibed; gibes; gibet
  1. Does it take warning; does it stand, strong in its three readings, in its gibbets and artillery-parks?

  2. The marquis, who has seen those gibbets set up, hopes that you will change that mode of execution.

  3. After this military execution, the general ordered as many gibbets planted on the terrace as there were members of the family of Leganes, and he sent for the executioner of the town.

  4. Laws may interdict and gibbets terrify, but neither can convince the understanding, nor purify the sources of action.

  5. Bolts, dungeons, shackles cannot confine it; racks, flames and gibbets cannot extinguish it.

  6. Then he bade set up other nine gibbets by the side of the first and said to his son, "Thou art innocent, and yet these villain Wazirs strave for thy slaughter.

  7. So the king bade hoist up the Wazirs upon the gibbets and crucify them there, because Allah is just and decreeth that which is due.

  8. Some of the gibbets remained until early in this century.

  9. Paris is in death-panic, the enemy and gibbets at its door: whosoever in Paris has the heart to front death finds it more pressing to do it fighting the Prussians, than fighting the killers of Aristocrats.

  10. Alas, when madness of choler has gone through the blood of men, and gibbets have swung on this side and on that, what will a parchment Decree and Lafayette Amnesty do?

  11. Gibbets we see rise, on the one side and on the other; and wretched carcasses swinging there, a dozen in the row; wretched Mayor of Vaison buried before dead.

  12. The next day a long line of gibbets appeared on the road leading from Bridgewater to Weston Zoyland.

  13. The tithing men of the neighbouring parishes were busied in setting up gibbets and providing chains.

  14. The pillory and ten thousand gibbets to boot take that pickpocket attorney, that advised me to this lawsuit; h’ as ruined me for ever.

  15. That shall be my quarter then,’ quoth he, ‘for a thousand gibbets are not so bad to me as one Doüegnas.

  16. The gibbets are intended for Salaun, his friend Serdan, and--" The blacksmith did not mention the name of Nominoe.

  17. The three gibbets were to be erected that same night.

  18. I saw along the roads almost as many gibbets as trees!

  19. By this time he is dangling from one of the new gibbets at the gates of the city," answered one of the men.

  20. I have learned so much from our friend, though the difficulty will be to find this Rodrigo; and the chances are that he will adorn one of the newly-raised gibbets before long.

  21. Child, my father did some ill things, and my grandfather did more; but did either ever anything to merit the shame and agony of those two gibbets at Hereford and Bristol?

  22. This was literally true; but the fact is, the headlands of America had been decorated with gibbets from the very commencement of the war, and the surrender of Lord Cornwallis had nothing to do with the matter.

  23. The gibbets did not stand as an idle threat.

  24. A number of gibbets erected on the Red Square, reminded the bearded noble that the choice lay between losing the beard or the head.

  25. You did not appear to me to have any fear of the gibbets of Monk, or the Bastile of his majesty, King Louis XIV.

  26. I will make a present of one of these gibbets to each of you, and observe well, M.

  27. If the king has signed, the gibbets will be sent this evening to the Hotel de Ville, in order to be got up and ready by to-morrow morning.

  28. And, while Raoul turned away his eyes in compassion, he pointed to the musketeers the gibbets laden with their melancholy fruit.

  29. He has ordered two gibbets of the executioner of Paris," answered Gourville.

  30. Any notice of Gibbets in England would be incomplete without a reference to the Halifax Gibbet.

  31. For examples in the early years of the eighteenth century, the following will suffice; they show how thick the gibbets were near London.

  32. The numerous allusions to gibbets by Shakespeare show how common they were in his day.

  33. It is similarly to the credit of humanity that the bodies of women were not publicly exposed on gibbets in irons and chains.

  34. The English gibbets have never assumed, like those in France, any monumental character.

  35. There were then three gibbets between Liverpool and Warrington.

  36. Thou canst not hire him by thy guineas, nor by thy gibbets and law penalties restrain him.

  37. I had heard of his majesty's punch-bowl before, and of the gibbets near it where three murderers were executed nearly a hundred years ago, but Polecat Hill was a new name to me.

  38. Wait a bit; there's time to cheat a dozen gibbets 'twixt this and dawn.

  39. They placed gibbets from point to point along the coast, as nowadays they do beacons.

  40. The cup of joy was, as we have just said, full; gibbets for the regicides adding to the universal delight.

  41. A restoration is a smile; but a few gibbets are not out of place, and satisfaction is due to the conscience of the public.

  42. But how was he to pursue it while those gibbets stood?

  43. At least, if there be, there be gibbets too!

  44. But gibbets must eat also; and between ground and noose was so small a space in those days that a man dangled almost before he knew it.

  45. Gibbets were erected in those days rather for laymen than for the Church.

  46. Gibbets do not frighten you, it seems, madame.

  47. Yet gibbets are ugly things; and Thuriot, the printer, whose pride had been tickled by a summons to the conclave, began to wonder if he had done wisely in coming.

  48. For men must eat, though there be gibbets in the Place Ste.

  49. If I put up the gibbets and a man is hanged, and you have letters from the King, 'tis a rogue the less and no harm done.

  50. If the gibbets are not in place by sunrise, I shall hang you from this window.

  51. They caught sight of a number of high gibbets erected at intervals round it, while in the centre was a circle of stakes surrounded by faggots.

  52. Does it take no warning; does it stand, strong in its three readings, in its gibbets and artillery-parks?

  53. Thou canst not hire him by thy guineas; nor by thy gibbets and law-penalties restrain him.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gibbets" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.