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Example sentences for "ghostes"

Lexicographically close words:
ghesse; ghests; ghettos; ghillie; ghost; ghosties; ghostlike; ghostliness; ghostly; ghosts
  1. Yas, sah, seem' like all de ghostes in de world habin' a conferince right dar.

  2. An' whut dem six ghostes do but stand round an' confabulate?

  3. Ef all de ghostes say dey ain' no ghosts, dey ain' no ghosts.

  4. This appears from the context to be Yam (Jam) -bai and not the Djouma (Jam) of the Fr.

  5. Therfore it is not necessary that we beléeue yͤ ghostes which are séene, to be soules.

  6. Howbeit those counterfait ghostes craued nothing so earnestly, as that many Masses might be sung for their sakes, for they bare men in hand, that those had great and maruellous force to redéeme them out of Purgatorie.

  7. A proofe out of the Gentiles histories, that ghostes do oftentimes appeare.

  8. For sometime appeared vnto men the whole bodies of the dead, but at an other time onely ghostes and spirits: and often nothing was heard, sauing onely a certaine obscure voyce.

  9. She said dat dar wuz ghostes an' some witches back den, but I doan know nothin' 'bout dem things.

  10. Talkin' 'bout ghostes I wants ter tell you dat de air am full of 'em.

  11. How dare you Ghostes Accuse the Thunderer, whose Bolt (you know) Sky-planted, batters all rebelling Coasts.

  12. Alack for you good man, and yet you are in meetely good lyking, & do ghostes speake also.

  13. Moreouer I beseech you tell me this, doe ghostes vse to walke; are they clad in garments; doe they eftsoones sleepe.

  14. I pray to God I neuer meete with ghostes more to be feared.

  15. Yas, sah, seem like all de ghostes in de world havin' de conferince right dar.

  16. All de ghostes are loose in de graveyards.

  17. Dey been to er voodoo woman, en she say all de ghostes loose, high en low, out er ebery graveyard, en she ain’t got no red pepper what .

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ghostes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.