On emerging from the dell we found a gentle slope before us, covered with hard ice, down which our pulks flew like the wind.
It has eight or nine houses, scattered along a gentle slope a mile in length, and a little red church, but neither gardens, fields, nor potato patches.
The 'Bradshaws' is on the brow of a gentle slope, at the base of which flows a rivulet called the Tweed.
The castle stood on a grassy knoll, steep on one side, with a gentle slope to the south.
But in those days it continued along the left bank of the Cock to beyond Stutton, crossed the little brook by Renshaw Wood, and led up a gentle slope to the hamlet of Towton.
It forms a perfectly even plain, extending back with a gentle slope to the head of a deep notch between the two northern Sisters, while above and beyond rise the steeper snow-fields, from which this ice is continually renewed.
Now it zigzags back and forth down a gentle slope, but is soon stopped by another precipice.
In southwestern Wyoming the continental divide, known as the Great Divide mesa, though more than a mile above the sea, is but a continuation of the long, gentle slope of the Great Plains.
There was a good growth of trees upon a gentle slope, a few rods from shore, and a beach well strewn with drift-wood.
Exactly two hundred feet behind the angle formed by the river, the wall, terminated by a fall of rocks, died away in a gentle slope to the edge of the forest.
The houses are spread over a gentle slope, to the very edge of a little barranca.
The whole country hereabouts is composed of monoclines, all the crests presenting one long, gentle slope, with rocks dipping with the slope, and one abrupt short slope, cutting the strata.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gentle slope" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.