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Example sentences for "gastronomy"

Lexicographically close words:
gastritis; gastrocnemius; gastrointestinal; gastronomic; gastronomical; gastropod; gastropods; gastrula; gastrulation; gasworks
  1. The Romans were fond of fish, and the records of their gastronomy abound in fish stories.

  2. Regent; we must not forget the honour done to gastronomy by such statesmen as Colbert, such soldiers as Conde, nor by such a wit and beauty as Madame de Sevigne.

  3. Analytical gastronomy has sought to ascertain what are the effects of a fish diet on the animal system.

  4. After these indispensable preliminaries, gastronomy is ready with its resources.

  5. Gastronomy is a chapter of natural history, for the fact that it makes a classification of alimentary substances.

  6. It is certain that before the lapse of many years, gastronomy will have its academicians, courses, professors, and premiums.

  7. Gastronomy considers taste in its pleasures and in its pains.

  8. Professors of gastronomy never eat bouilli, from respect to the principles previously announced, that bouilli is flesh without the juices.

  9. The material of gastronomy is all that may be eaten; its object is direct, the preservation of individuals.

  10. Gastronomy determines the degree of esculence of every alimentary subject; all are not presentable under the same circumstances.

  11. Gastronomy has at last appeared, and all the sister sciences have made a way for it.

  12. Gastronomy rules all life, for the tears of the infant cry for the bosom of the nurse; the dying man receives with some degree of pleasure the last cooling drink, which, alas!

  13. Gastronomy is a scientific definition of all that relates to man as a feeding animal.

  14. There had been very considerable advances in gastronomy and the arts of entertainment.

  15. It must have been no easy matter for the secretary to preserve his gravity in the perusal of despatches in which politics and gastronomy were so strangely mixed together.

  16. With Lord Beaconsfield gastronomy was an instinct; it breathes in every page of his Letters to his Sister.

  17. They mention a joint or a dish, a vintage or a draught, but do not harmonize and co-ordinate even such slight knowledge of gastronomy as they may be supposed to have possessed.

  18. That tradition of medical gastronomy dates from a remote period of our history.

  19. It must be confessed that the celebrities of gastronomy have felt the dignity of their art full as much as the sculptors and poets.

  20. Dumas' knowledge of gastronomy again finds its vent in "The Count of Monte Cristo," when the unscrupulous Danglars is held in a dungeon pending his giving up the five millions of francs which he had fraudulently obtained.

  21. Nor did the ingenious gastronomy of the first century of our era neglect to invent tooth-powder, which cleaned the enamel without injuring it, and fortified the gums--those fortresses of mastication.

  22. Their gastronomy was really an art, but an art aided by science which was applied to the simplest dish.

  23. Speech, manners, customs, costumes and religions change with startling rapidity, and as you enter into the life of the nation you find that each has brought the best of its gastronomy for your delectation.

  24. The earliest legend which remains to us of Hellenic gastronomy is associated with cannibalism.

  25. Richard Gollmer, another Apicius editor, declares that the results of this course in gastronomy were negative.

  26. Experienced cooks were in demand in Apicii times; the valuation of their ministrations increased proportionately to the progress in gastronomy and to the prosperity of the nation.

  27. For years I was under the impression that Brillat Savarin was a species of filleted fish (brill) in a rich gravy, instead of a French magistrate, who treated gastronomy poetically, and always ate his food too fast.

  28. In fact what in the world has brought it into the midst of a work on gastronomy I am at a loss to make out.

  29. This venta trait of Iberian gastronomy did not escape the compiler of Gil Blas.

  30. In the domain of gastronomy the men of letters are near neighbors to the doctors.

  31. Finally, amongst the most faithful in the ranks of gastronomy we must reckon many of the devout--i.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gastronomy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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