In our varied gastronomical experiences we found that the cooking on the English ships was usually bad, while that on the German ships was good, excepting the ship that took us from Naples to Mombasa.
At Milston, therefore, we called for the refreshments which we so badly needed, and quite astonished our caterers, accustomed even as they were to country appetites, by our gastronomical performances on that occasion.
This stubborn refusal is not due to gastronomical causes.
These gastronomical researches called for a counterexperiment.
With the exception of the upper ten thousand, almost all men, women and children alike participate in the festivities of the season, and for three succeeding days are occupied in rural pastimes and gastronomical enjoyment.
This gastronomical digression will serve to indicate the taste of the Hindu in Bengal, and the very simple style of their living.
Among the gastronomical enlargements of our literature in the latter half of the last century, one of the best books in point of classification and range is that by B.
He also gives us plans of kitchens of all sizes, from the magnificent gastronomical laboratory of the Reform Club to my “Kitchen at Home,” which is suited to the means and requirements of the solitary bachelor.
Its head came by right to Lucullus, to whose gastronomical privileges be all honour.
The accident which, in ordinary animals, would have left it to perish of hunger, became, in the sea anemone, the source of redoubled gastronomical enjoyment.
He now grows discontented with plain, every-day fare, and sets out on a gastronomical tour, in search of foreign luxuries.
German added, as he thought of his friend's gastronomical tastes; and at that very moment he caught sight of Mme.
The neighbourhood is rich in gastronomical memories.
The clerks from the gastronomical store danced with all the ardour of youth and with all the decorum recommended by Herman Hoppe, the self-instructor of good manners.
In their expectations, both gastronomicaland theatrical, strangers in Paris are often disappointed.
Come," said the old man, "you will not find here the gastronomical niceties of Paris.
Then we can give this Parisian a complete specimen of the gastronomical refinements of our out-kitchen.
Its medicinal virtue is as great as its gastronomical goodness.
I did not realise that I had you to thank for my present mental and gastronomical comfort.
Steinmetz MEAT LOAF I have been consulted about very many things, but this is the first time I have been consulted on gastronomical matters.
I believe I am the first person who ever conceived the idea of a gastronomical academy.
As my wife and myself were at breakfast this morning, we came to the conclusion that you should print, as soon as possible, your Gastronomical Observations.
In the highest gastronomical circles, in the most select reunions, where politics yield to dissertations on the taste, for what do people wait?
By gastronomical tests, we mean dishes of so delicious a flavor that their very appearance excites the gustatory organs of every healthy man.
We set about this with an anxiety which ensures success, and, in consequence of our perseverance, we are able to present to the corps of amphitryon, gastronomical tests, a discovery which will do honor to the nineteenth century.
Gastronomical knowledge is necessary to all men, for it tends to augment the sum of happiness.
They are always in for all the evening, for they know all games, and all that is neccessary for a gastronomical soiree.
He only lacked gas, electricity and artificial refrigeration, modern achievements while useful in the kitchen and indispensable in wholesale production and for labor saving, that have no bearing on purely gastronomical problems.
Perhaps the term stood for Apricots (Old English: Aphricocks) or some other African fruit or plant; Lister's celery is to be rejected ongastronomical grounds.
To us the Basel editor often seems surprisingly correct in cases where the gastronomical character of a formula is in doubt.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gastronomical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.