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Example sentences for "gardened"

Lexicographically close words:
gard; gardant; garde; garded; garden; gardener; gardeners; gardenia; gardenias; gardening
  1. The quality of these dry-gardened tubers is so high that my wife complains if she must buy a few new potatoes from the supermarket after our supplies have become so sprouty and/or shriveled that they're not tasty any longer.

  2. Row 5: Dry-Gardened Salads This row holds a few crowns of French sorrel, a few feet of parsley.

  3. The problem with dry-gardened endive is that if it is spring sown during days of increasing daylength when germination of shallow-sown small seed is a snap, it will bolt prematurely.

  4. On the left of the gardened quadrangle are the apartments of the twelve brethren, on the right those of eight sisters, all bound not to practise forgery, heresy, sorcery, witchcraft and other crimes.

  5. The gardened strip of what once must have been a graveyard beside the church could hardly have afforded flowers enough for the pious rite.

  6. In the parks and in the gardened spaces which so abound, the leaves have grown perceptibly, and the grass thickened so that you can smell it, if you cannot hear it, growing.

  7. Nor is the truant always in the streets, for if he prefers, he may go out by the gardened suburbs into the country.

  8. Fierce had been the struggle in the gardened city by the silver waters with those Lugur and Yolara had left behind to garrison it.

  9. Down long corridors we trod and out upon a gardened terrace as beautiful as any of those of Yolara's city; bowered, blossoming, fragrant, set high upon the cliffs beside the domed castle.

  10. Sabine gardened with Père Anselme, and listened to his kindly, shrewd common sense, and then they read poetry in the afternoons when tea was over.

  11. He gardened with the fervor of an enthusiast, and was the joy and terror of the gardeners.

  12. IV The landscape softened again, with tilled fields and gardened spaces around the cottages, and now we had Tarifa always in sight, a stretch of white walls beside the blue sea with an effect of vicinity which it was very long in realizing.

  13. It was in every way a contrast to the road we had come from the Cartuja: an avenue of gardened paths and embowered driveways, where we hoped to join the rank and fashion of Granada in their afternoon's outing.

  14. In the morning they discovered that their windows looked out on the grand-ducal museum, with a gardened space before and below its classicistic bulk, where, in a whim of the weather, the gay flowers were full of sun.

  15. Above, the moon was hanging over the gardened hollow before the Museum with the airy lightness of an American moon.

  16. The Marches met troops of them in the forest, as they strolled slowly back by the winding Dussel to the gardened avenue leading to the park, and they found them everywhere gay and joyful.

  17. It was like a day of late spring in Italy or America; the sun in that gardened hollow before the museum was already hot enough to make him glad of the shelter of the hotel.

  18. From the habit of doing this they one day suddenly formed the habit of going across the street to that gardened hollow before and below the Grand-Ducal Museum.

  19. Nor is the truant always in the streets, for, if he prefers, he may go out by the gardened suburbs into the country.

  20. At their foot spread a gardened domain of considerable extent, bright with flowers, dim with coverts of rare shrubs, and musical with fountains.

  21. London is often beautiful in summer at that hour, the architectural lines clear and defined in the smokeless atmosphere, and ever and anon a fragrant gale from gardened balconies wafted in the blue air.

  22. Men gardened in those camps who never gardened before, and perhaps never will again.

  23. Up in the misty morning, Up past the gardened hills, With the rhythmic stroke of the rowers, While the blue deep pales and thrills!

  24. And round one lush green side of it, In gardened homes are laid, With grief and care compassionate, The people of the dead.

  25. I wish I could give you a notion of that guest-house, with its cool, quiet rooms, and its lawned and gardened enclosure, and a little fountain purring away among the flowers!

  26. They particularly abounded in the cloistered and gardened close of the Cistercian Convent, which three hundred years ago ensconsed itself within the ruinous Baths of Diocletian.

  27. If the fountains are not so fine, they are still very fine, and the Pincian Hill overtops one side of the place, with foliaged drives and gardened walks descending into it.

  28. He showed us where he lived, on a hill-top back of our gardened quay, and said that he paid twelve dollars a month for a tenement of five rooms there.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gardened" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.