And if my stuff wasn't funnierthan Bishop's I'll lay down my life for Austria.
But I suppose it's funnier when he tells it himself.
This line reads even funnier than many laughs in the act that are bigger, but its business cannot be explained in words.
It seemsfunnier to you because you can picture it.
The more hostile and the more seemingly dangerous they are, the funnier they are.
Which was just two damns funnier than it seemed to me.
Funnier still was the idea of me doing that kind of work!
He is funnier than any of his books, and to my surprise a most respected citizen, devoted to things esthetic, and the friend of the poor and struggling.
I never saw a funnier sight than Pat craning and twisting his head in futile efforts to look at it under his own arm.
But far funnier than Alister's corrections of his teacher, was a curious jealousy which the boatswain had of the Scotch lad's new accomplishment.
He was funnier than a dancing-bear, and his dramatic efforts were very much appreciated.
You have always been a funny old daddy-man, and now that you are my grand-daddy-man you are funnierthan ever.
But perhaps you'd think it was funnier still, if you had gone at that bailing the way I did, and had looked up all of a sudden and seen that chap sitting back there at his ease, smoking.
Now the Toyman was forever saying funny and surprising things, but he never said anything funnier and more surprising in his life than what he told that patent-medicine man.
And the Bunnies made funnier noses than ever and nibbled, nibbled away at their plates.
But he was ever so much quicker and funnier than a kitten, and prettier, too, with that bushy tail of his flirting and curving about.
When you told me how he acted and what he said to you I thought 'twas awfully funny, and the more I thought it over the funnier it seemed.
Suppose Socrates and Charlemagne are to me only beasts, made funnier by walking on their hind legs.
I don't do it in private, because it is funnier to do it in public.
It would be funnier than the bosh you and Barker talk.
What could be funnier than the idea of a respectable old Apostle upside down?
The man who sits on his hat in a pantomime is a long sight funnier than you are.
Seemed funny enough, that did, but 'twan't no funnier than comin' way over to the Denboro depot to take the same train he might have took just as well at Bayport.
And it looks so much funnier to me now than it did then, thanks to you, Cap'n Kendrick.
A funnier little dried-up skin-and-bone creature no one could have desired to see.
And what was funnier still, though we travelled to Cape Town together, and even shared the same cabin on board the steamer afterwards, he never for an instant suspected that I was spying upon him.
I think," said Stafford, "that what he did say was a good deal funnier than what he ought to say.
This was much funnier than the Professor's speech, judging from the laughter that followed it.
The one where the steamer was supposed to be coming to the relief of the shipwrecked mariners was, if possible, the funnier of the two.
Harry scarcely stirred a foot beyond the door-sill, and screwed his funny round mouth into a funnier pucker, a queer little habit to which he always resorted in moments of embarrassment.
The human-looking demon with his left leg in the flabbergasted mayor's fire is much funnier in effect than the negro sailor boiling the kettle over his wooden leg.
The comparison may determine whether a dog is funnier while being trodden on or immediately after, and shows the indifference of Rowlandson to his artistic reputation.
The faster he danced the funnier he looked, and the funnier he looked the harder the little meadow people laughed.
And the harder Mr. Toad laughed the funnier he looked.
It seems to me," said Peter, amid the laughter with which we greeted the tale, "that a funny story is funnier when it is about a minister than it is about any other man.
Grandfather King was so amazed he couldn't laugh, but almost everyone else in the church was laughing, and grandfather said he never blamed them, for no funnier sight was ever seen.
Helen's floating golden hair, all stringy with whey, was a funnier sight even than Zaidee's short plastered locks.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "funnier" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.